Every couple of feet, her father would stop, tilt his head back, and inhale deeply. He was being cautious with each step they took, and she couldn’t blame him.

They all froze when the old, disgusting scent of blood assailed them. She squeezed Damon’s hand as fear filled her.

Had they left this smell?

The human hunters?

“We’re close,” her father said.

As far as Holly was concerned, a little too close.


Holly struggled. Damon held her hand tightly as they moved through the line of the forest. He knew the place was dead and burnt even before they got there. Buildings were down, black, smoke-tinged wood on any structure that appeared to still be standing.

In the middle of the square, he saw the pile of dead bodies, also burned. Christopher gagged, covering his mouth with his hand, and Holly buried her head against his shoulder. He gripped the back of her neck, holding her close.

“I’ve got you,” he said.

“This is … they’re so cruel. Why did they do this?”

Damon looked around him at the carnage. This was worse than he expected. He envisioned a small town, abandoned, some broken windows as if it had been ransacked. Before him was an annihilation, which instantly made him tense up. This was more than a bunch of hunters in a random attack. His early assessment was right. Christopher’s pack was being watched long before they were taken out.

“Have you seen enough?” Christopher asked.

“Not yet. You can both head back to the car. I will be along as soon as I know more.”

“No,” Holly said. “I’m not leaving you behind. I’ll help any way I can.” She lifted her head but he saw she didn’t look toward the dead bodies.

“Can you tell me what you need?” Christopher asked.

“Look around the perimeter. I can’t smell anyone here, but whoever was, this was not some lucky night. You need to look for spots where you can get the entire view of the town without your scent being caught at any point.”

“That’s nearly impossible.”

“It’s not. Not if you know what you’re hunting and what you’re dealing with.”

Christopher took off and Damon began at the houses. He bent down, lifting pieces of material. Wood. Brick. Inhaling deeply.

“What are you doing?” Holly asked.

“I can smell your pack, but there is something else here. I’m getting used to it so I can detect it.” He stood up, moving from house to house. The hunters all had the same smell. Lavender. Earthy. Damon stopped and checked out the forest. “They know what you are and they know they can be detected unless they mask themselves.”

“What?” Holly asked.

“You lived here all your life. You’d be used to the sudden wave of lavender or soil. The essence of the earth. You’re surrounded by a forest. They’re normal smells.”

“They covered themselves in it.”

“Yes, but it’s not commercial,” Damon said. “You can always tell the difference between an extract of something or the real thing.”

“Ah, kind of like lemon extract against lemon zest?”

He frowned.

“Lemon cake is my favorite,” Holly said.

He cupped the back of her neck, drawing her in close. “I know this is hard for you. I’m so proud you’re able to handle this.”

Christopher came into view across the forest line. “Here!”

Damon grabbed her hand, and they walked toward Christopher, who led them to the spot. “This is the only place where you see the whole town. The layout and even the people.” Right before them were bushes of lavender, blue bells, and even plain old soil.

“The perfect mask.” Damon looked up to the sky. “We need to leave.”

He held Holly’s hand tightly and without another word, they ran. She kept up with him, going pace-to-pace with Christopher coming to his side as they ran the distance to the car.

They got to the car, and Damon cursed. The tires had been slashed.


He didn’t let Holly go. “We’ve got to keep running.”

He hadn’t smelled them. Those bastards hadn’t left. They were waiting for them to come back. They headed back into the forest, and he shoved Holly down to the ground when he heard the bullet coming.

She gasped, and he covered her mouth. Christopher went down as well.

Damon closed his eyes, listening to the sounds that surrounded him.

The hunters had been there the whole time.


Then he heard it. The static of the radio. Talking.

He stared down into Holly’s eyes.

“It’ll be okay.” He mouthed the words as he listened.

One of the men was close. Christopher lifted his head just slightly, and Damon held his hand out in front of him to tell him to stop.

They had to be silent.

One. Two. Three. The seconds ticked by.

“They’re here,” the man said.

Damon gritted his teeth. Holly’s eyes grew wide.

He kept her mouth covered. “Don’t.” He didn’t say a single word. Tears filled her eyes.

“Bring the dogs. I can’t find them, but I know they’re here. I saw them.”