“It’s me,” I say nervously because I haven’t seen him since his hand was almost inside my panties.

“May I join you?” he asks as he takes a seat next to me.

I smile. “Of course.”

Christopher’s gaze volleys from Matthew to me. “The offer still stands, Faith. I’m right over there if you need anything.”

Matthew drops a hand to my jean-covered thigh. “Faith has everything she needs.”

For the first time in forever, I feel like I do. I have everything I need sitting next to me.

Matthew’s gaze flits over the front of the black T-shirt I’m wearing before he reads what’s stamped across it, “I heart NY.”

I nod. “I do.”

He traces a fingertip over my forearm. “Only tourists wear those shirts, Faith.”

I shake my head. “Tourists and students with friends who think gag gifts are fun.”

“So a friend bought this for you?” His fingers inch up to my shoulder. “Thank your friend because I’ve never seen one of these T-shirts look better.”

I drop my gaze to the shirt he’s wearing. It’s a blue button-down that he’s paired with a pair of dark jeans.

“I like your shirt too.”

He huffs out a laugh. “So did a cat who found a way to cling to the front of it while I was trying to examine her teeth.”

I grimace. “Ouch.”

He drops a hand to the center of his chest. “Big ouch. I suspect there’s a pretty deep scratch under here. I’ll find out when I shower.”

I look to my lap because the thought of him in the shower is too much.

I’ve never seen a man full-on naked before.

I’ve seen cocks, but those were yanked out of jeans in anticipation of me blowing them.

Matthew reaches down, grabs the wooden leg of the chair I’m in, and tugs it even closer to him. It skids across the tile floor.

He edges his lips over the skin of my neck. “You’re thinking about me naked.”

I bow my head again. “I’m not.”

“This has to be a blush factor of at least a four out of five.” His hand finds my chin to edge my head up. “Let me get a good look.”

I try and shield my face with my hands. “I’m not blushing.”

“You’re lying,” he whispers. “If you want to see me naked, say the word. I’ll drop it all right here. Right now.”

I let out a laugh. “You wouldn’t.”

As my hands fall to my lap, he smiles at me. “For you, I’d do it, but let’s take this to my apartment unless you’re waiting for someone. Maybe it’s the barista who couldn’t take his eyes off of you.”

I want to accuse him of being jealous, but that’s ridiculous.

“Maintenance is fixing a few things in my apartment,” I tell him. “I’m hanging out here until they’re done.”

He scratches his upper lip. “You can hang out at my place until they’re done.”

It’s a tempting offer, but I have to study. I can’t risk falling behind.

“I need to study.” I sigh. “I have to focus on that tonight.”

He moves to reach for my tablet to shut the cover. “You’ll study. I’ll update some patient charts on my tablet, and when the maintenance man is done, you can head home.”

Disappointment bites at me because he didn’t mention even one kiss in that plan.

“There are fewer distractions at my place.”

I almost laugh aloud at that. He’s the ultimate distraction, but I know I’d be more comfortable there. It would be quieter than this place.

I push back from the table. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

Chapter Thirty-One


My fist was wrapped around my cock the second I stepped into the shower.

I gave it a few quick pumps, then a hard squeeze at the root to try and calm the fucking thing down.

I had a raging hard-on as I walked Faith here from the café.

I would have wandered straight past that place on my way home from work, but I noticed a flash of pink out of the corner of my eye.

I pressed my face to the glass like a kid looking into a display case filled with cookies.

I saw her then with some guy hovering above her, practically drooling all over her.

It was that goddamn T-shirt she’s wearing.

I must pass dozens of people wearing those novelty shirts every day, but it has never looked like that.

The men staring at Faith as we walked back to our building agreed with me.

One almost ran into a pretzel cart because his gaze was pinned to her tits.

It’s those breasts that lead down to her tiny waist that trails down to her curvy hips that make her so damn irresistible.

Her body is utter perfection.

Now, she’s snuggled up on my couch with her bare feet beneath her as she studies like a future doctor.

I want her to toss that lesson aside in favor of one where my tongue is the teacher.

I drop my forehead to the cool tile of the shower and curse myself for convincing her to come here tonight.