“It wasn’t meant to be historically accurate. It was supposed to be fun,” she replied. Maybe the history professor would prefer the raunch com.

“Yeah, history is a serious thing for my guy. He started in on a lecture when they brought out the repeating arrow guns,” Tessa explained. “I thought they were cool, but apparently they aren’t even a thing today. This is where all the ladies get ready. I think you’ll find it’s got pretty much everything you could want in here. There are showers in the back and vanities with all kinds of dryers and flat and curling irons. You’ll find your own locker stocked with things you requested.”

“That’s easy. I didn’t request anything. I brought some makeup with me and my brush.” She could use whatever soap they had in the showers. She’d run into a drugstore and replaced some of what she’d left behind when she’d been forced to stay at Michael’s. Deke had done a great job, but he’d still forgotten some things she needed.

Tessa stopped at a tall locker, holding a small silver key in her hand. “Here you go. I think you’ll find Michael ensured you have some special products.”

She nearly winced because she wasn’t sure what that meant. Lube? Some weird sexual things she would have to wear?

She opened the door and nearly sighed because what Michael had left for her was deeply sensual, but it wasn’t some sexual aid. There was a tray of some of the world’s most expensive, indulgent skin care and makeup. Chanel and La Mer and Lancôme. Products she hadn’t come close to in the last year. She brushed her fingers over them, even the containers bringing her a comfort she hadn’t realized she’d missed.

“I think Dani helped him out with those,” Tessa said quietly. “But I know he wanted you to have a treat. There’s a shower caddy with some amazing shampoo and conditioner. I’m a little jealous.”

“I’ll share,” she said quickly. She should turn it down, but it would only make him feel bad. He’d tried to buy her some things she’d been missing, but she’d insisted on getting them on her own. She’d made the deal to accept his gifts while they were here in The Club. Outside of it, she had to be Vanessa. Outside The Club she had to deal with reality, but here she could play the part of Michael’s sub, and it was obvious her training Dom wanted to take care of his pet.

Wasn’t that a nice thing to be? She’d loved their training sessions. He always started by talking about what he wanted to go over, answering her every question, and ended with a long hug that she sank into. She knew every night that the hug was Michael’s way of offering her affection and the ability to go further if she wanted to. All she would have to do is tilt her chin up and Michael would press their lips together.

She’d kept her head down and gone to her own bedroom.

“That’s so sweet of you. I might take you up on that La Mer. I’ve wanted to try some, but I shouldn’t get addicted. My fiancé is serious about his crappy paying career, and throwing your body in front of bullets doesn’t pay as much as you would think it does,” Tessa said with a smile.

It was a good opening. “You’re a bodyguard? I know you work at McKay-Taggart like Michael, but not in the same department, right?”

“Not at all. We’re not even on the same floor. He’s been there for a long time and is considered one of the top guys.” Tessa sat down on the long bench. The locker room was quiet, but Vanessa could hear one of the showers running and low talk from the other rooms. “I don’t have much to do with his unit. I’m down in the man cave with the other bodyguards. The big boss is awesome but also kind of a dick. He calls us the full douche. He says that’s what a group of bodyguards is called. Like a pack of dogs or a murder of crows. I’m pretty sure he made that up.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle. “He sounds like a colorful guy.”

“Oh, he is. Trust me. I thought long and hard about the fact that he’s kind of my fiancé’s uncle.”

“Kind of?”

“David’s mom is Grace Taggart,” Tessa explained. “She’s married to Ian’s brother, Sean.”

“The chef? I’ve never heard of Ian, but I totally know Sean Taggart. The Viking chef.” She loved cooking shows. “I saw him on Top Chef Masters.”

“That is my soon-to-be stepfather-in-law. I don’t know. It gets weird with all the step stuff, but the Taggarts don’t need blood to claim you as family. They’re also super nosy, even though they seem like they wouldn’t be. Ian looks like he should be an assassin in some Nordic mafia, but deep inside he’s a grandma who wants all his kids married and happy.”