“I promise you there’s nothing going on between us. I’m not interested in Skyler in any way or form. How can I when I have you?” He looks so sincere, but then he’s one of the most gifted actors of our time.

“Does she hit on you on the set?” I ask him.

He nods. “I decided not to tell you about it because I thought it would pass. Once she saw that I wasn’t interested, she would move on to someone else. I never expected this.” He points at the screen angrily.

I’m frightened, and I don’t know what to believe. “Why would she come on TV and imply that you and she are dating? It doesn’t make sense.”

A look of frustration comes over Kyle’s features. “I’m thinking it’s a tactic she employs to keep herself on the front pages. Some people thrive on that kind of thing. It makes them feel relevant.”

I shake my head. “That’s your world, Kyle, not mine, and I don’t know what’s normal or what’s not. Right now, I don’t know what to think or who to believe. This was the very thing I was afraid of.”

He takes my hand again, and even though my instinct is to fling it away, I stay still.

“Please, believe me, sweetheart. I know we haven’t known each other long enough, but I promise I would never cheat on my woman. I have no reason to. If I wanted Skyler, I’d have ended my relationship with you.”

Somehow, I start to believe him. There’s a solidness to Kyle. A seriousness when it comes to matters of the heart. Then, of course, he’s Kyle Bryce. He doesn’t need to tiptoe around me if the woman he wants to be with is Skyler.

Chapter 31


Kyle and I are quiet on the plane on the way back home. I’m glad when we’re airborne, and no more messages are coming in from my mom. She saw the rumors too, and she’s sent me countless messages with links to the stories. I sent her a message earlier telling her that the rumors are not true, but she continued sending me those links.

Evan drives us from the airport to home, and to my surprise, there are no reporters waiting at the gates.

“They think you’re on honeymoon in Hawaii,” Evan explains with a chuckle.

As soon as I enter the house, a feeling of restlessness comes over me. I’m not upset with Kyle anymore. I think he’s telling the truth, and Skyler is lying. But the whole thing has unsettled me. It’s a harsh reminder of what Kyle’s life entails. The lack of privacy. The lies. It’s too much.

“I’m going to my parents’ house,” I tell Kyle when we enter the house.

He contemplates me. “I take it that you don’t want company?”

I feel bad when I shake my head. “I need to talk to them about these rumors. They’re worried.”

“I get that. Drive safely then.” He doesn’t move from his spot, looking so lost, I almost change my mind. I remind myself that I need this time to think things through. To reevaluate.

“Thanks. Bye,” I tell him.

“I’ll see you later. Say hello to them for me,” Kyle says.

It hurts to leave like that without even kissing goodbye. A wall has sprung up between us, and neither of us knows how to bring it down. Maybe time apart will do the trick. I get into my car, and after one last lingering look at the house, I drive off.

My tensions dissipate as I get on the highway. As bad as it felt to leave Kyle, it was the right thing to do. I even start to sing along to the songs on the radio. Unfortunately, the DJ comes in to talk when the song ends. It hits me by surprise when her topic of chit-chat is my alleged marriage to Kyle. But the worst is yet to come.

“We have received several comments regarding Kyle Bryce. I’ll read you some. The first one is from Brianna from Wisconsin. You’re wishing Mr. Bryce and his lady all the best.”

My cheers fill the car before she continues reading the comments.

She chuckles before reading the next one, and my stomach muscles clench.

“This one’s from someone called Keira. I quote: I’ve always loved Mr. Bryce, but I don’t understand why he settled for Porky Thighs. He can do so much better. End quote. That’s a little mean, Keira.”

I turn it off. A painful tightness comes over my throat, and I’m a step away from crying. But I refuse to cry over words from people who don’t matter to me. Still, it hurts. Do they know that I’m a real human being? How can you insult someone for no reason whatsoever? My eyes hurt from the effort of trying not to cry. I want to continue raging at the injustice in the world, but I force myself to be realistic. This is Kyle’s world. If I want to be with him, then I have to accept that world.