When Grace’s identity first came out, my publicists worked like crazy to stem the interest in her, and I’m glad it worked. Apart from a few pictures, their interest in Grace waned pretty quickly, and for that, I was grateful. I know how much scrutiny my woman can take.

“This one’s about you and Skyler and how she hits on you on set.” Grace chuckles. “I know she’s a bit possessive with you, but she’s a professional, and she wouldn’t do the kind of things they are describing here.”

I wrestle with myself and offer Grace a non-committal smile. I’m not sure how much to tell her if any of it. After a few seconds, I decide not to. There’s no use in distressing her over something that means nothing. Even if Skyler came to me stark naked and offered herself to me, I would not be interested. She does zero for me.

Grace pushes her phone away. “I enjoyed myself yesterday.”

I grin at her. “Yesterday was a long day. Do you mean the awards show or the private after-party?”

She blushes, and my cock jerks. I hope she never stops blushing. It fucking turns me on.

“The private after-party, of course,” she says. “Although I loved playing dress-up as well, which was a shocker. I hate shopping.”

“It doesn’t count as shopping when clothes in your size are brought to you.”

Grace laughs and then grows serious. “You’re right. Hey, I’m sorry you didn’t win.”

“It’s an honor just to be nominated, honestly. Do you know how many movies were made last year and how many actors were involved?”

“I see what you mean.”

I rattle off some more statistics for her. I love numbers and data. They tell you more than words, and they help you reign in your emotions.

“There’s something I want to show you upstairs,” Grace says coyly after breakfast.

I jump to my feet. “Lead the way.”

She laughs. “You don’t even know what it is, and you’re ready to follow.”

“It doesn’t matter as long as you’re the one doing the showing.”

Chapter 28


I’m supposed to stretch every thirty minutes while I’m painting, but I never remember. My full bladder is what pulls me from the piece I’m currently working on. I grab my phone and run to the toilet in our room. I’m a creature of habit, and even though there’s a toilet in the sunroom floor, my feet gravitate to the one I’m used to.

Relief floods me as I empty my bladder, and now I can pay attention to something else. Like my phone, which has been on silent all morning. I have several messages, but Kyle’s is the only one I really see.

Kyle: Good morning, sweetheart. You looked so peaceful and so beautiful sleeping; I decided not to wake you up. I kissed you, though.

I smile at the image his words conjure. I visualize him kissing my forehead in the semi-darkness of dawn before tiptoeing out of the room.

Me: Morning movie star. Thanks for the kiss, even though I can only imagine it.

I’m surprised when a response comes less than five seconds later. That means he’s on a break.

Kyle: You won’t need to imagine it when I come home.

Me: You’re a flirt, Kyle Bryce.

Kyle: Only with you, my love.

Me: How did I get so lucky?

Kyle: That’s my line.

Me: Lol

Kyle: Have to go back on set. I’ll see you later.

Me: See you later.

My conversation with Kyle leaves me with a big grin on my face. I turn my attention to the other messages. A link from my mom. I ignore that. We can’t continue like this. She sends me websites where Kyle is mentioned, and I ignore her messages. I can’t stand it, but short of blocking her, I don’t know how else to make her stop.

I smile when I see a message from Isla.

Isla: I know you’re painting. So reply asap when you see this. If you see this. Can we go out for lunch? I have news.

I laugh, and excitement courses over me as I try to guess what kind of news she has.

Me: Yes of course.

Isla: Yay, she’s out of the cave. Can we meet at one? The Friendly Coffee House, downtown?

Me: I’ll be there.

I finish up my business in the bathroom, wash my hands and head downstairs to let Maria know that I’ll be out for lunch.

“I’m meeting Isla for lunch; you remember her?” I tell Maria, wanting to talk to someone. It’s half-past eleven, and I’ve been holed up in my studio for hours. As much as I’m an introvert, I crave human interaction sometimes.

“Good for you. It’s nice to go out,” she says with a smile. “Chris will keep me company at lunchtime and Carlos if he agrees to come in. He likes eating outside amongst his beloved plants.”

“I don’t blame him. It’s beautiful outside.” It’s easy to forget the rest of the world when you’re in Kyle’s house. It even ceases to exist.