She places a hand on my chest as if it’s the normal thing to do. “I’ve always wanted to work with you, and now it’s happening. I’m so excited,” she purrs and holds my gaze.

I’m left with no doubt of what she wants. This time I don’t hesitate. I gently remove her hand from my chest, and she pouts. Then I shift away from her and glance at the time.

“We ought to be on set now.”

“Okay,” she says, recovering quickly. She winks at me, stands up, and glides out of the room.

I stand back and let out a sigh. It’s going to be a long movie to make. I’ve heard it said that Skyler bangs all her leading men and was sure it was just the usual rumors from tabloids. Now, I’m not so sure.

It turns out to be a long day. Skyler touches me unnecessarily a lot, and the people on set, including the director, shoot me sympathetic looks. I wish I could tell her to save her attention for someone else and that I’m taken. But I can’t. I’ve also heard what a diva she is, but because of her talent, no one complains. As long as she performs.

Later that afternoon, as Ethan is driving me home, I feel as if I’ve been working for two days. Dealing with Skyler and working on my performance is akin to doing two jobs at the same time. I was so excited by this movie, but Skyler’s attempts at seduction are exhausting.

I’ve never been so glad to be home. Grace is nowhere downstairs, and I bound upstairs in search of her. The studio door is half open, and I peek in just as she’s mixing some paint.

Her face lights up into a smile when she sees me. She jumps to her feet and runs to me.

“What a nice surprise,” she says as I enclose her in my arms. “I wasn’t expecting you until later.”

It feels so good to hold her. I love the way her body naturally contours into mine. “The first days usually end early. There will be long days ahead, so let’s enjoy these short ones.

“I agree.” She kisses my neck and then peppers light kisses on my jaw until she reaches my mouth.

Her lips are soft on mine, and I cup her face and deepen the kiss. Heat whips through me, and my cock swells as if on command. Not once did I get aroused by Skyler’s antics, but I don’t want to think about her now. I drop my hands and run them down Grace’s spine.

She forks her fingers through my hair and then freezes and draws back. “Oops, my fingers have paint.”

“I don’t care,” I growl and pull her in for another kiss.

I caress her everywhere, our movements growing more frenzied by the second. I lose track of time as we kiss and touch each other. Then Grace pulls away, leaving both of us panting.

“I could do with a shower,” she says, a twinkle in her eye.

“Me too,” I tell her. “But what about your work?” I don’t want to distract her from the work she had planned to do this afternoon.

“I’ve gotten a whole lot done today, so I’m okay if I stop now,” she says. “Besides, I want to hear how your first day of shooting went with Miss Skyler.”

“She’s good at what she does.”

I’ve already made up my mind that I won’t worry Grace with Skyler’s antics. It’s annoying as fuck, but I can handle it, and soon, she’ll get tired and turn her attention to someone else.

Grace hits me playfully. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

Chapter 26


My concentration has been horrible this morning, and I’m glad to leave the sunroom and take a shower. The stylist, Stella, is due in about two hours, and the thought of it makes me break out in a sweat. I’ve watched them on TV working with clients, but I never imagined that one day I would be a client.

As I shower, my mind drifts to Kyle and how his day is going. Just thinking about him is enough to calm my mind. Memories of the previous day wash over me, and my body heats up. After he returned home early from shooting, we had showered together and spent almost an hour in the bathroom.

Sharp arousal unexpectedly comes over me, and a deep ache forms between my legs. My plan was to shower quickly, have lunch and wait for Stella, the stylist. Instead, my hand snakes between my legs, and I rub my clit in circles as I imagine that it’s Kyle’s massive hand down there. I push a finger in, followed by another, and keep up a steady rhythm, pumping in and out. My imagination does the rest for me, and my fingers are Kyle’s.