I pull away and withdraw my dick and then slam back into her. I look down at her as I claim her. Grace is so fucking beautiful. For the first time in my life, I understand what they mean when they say that someone is beautiful inside and outside. That’s my Grace.

I know she’s not all in. I see the wariness in her eyes. But all I needed was to have one foot in. Slowly by slowly, I’ll inch all of myself into her heart, and she’ll want to claim me as hers.

My thighs slap against hers, and the room fills with the sounds of our lovemaking. I love looking at her when she has no guard up and all she cares about is the music we are creating with our bodies.

“Oh God, Kyle, I’m almost …”

Hearing Grace calling me Kyle jerks me out of the moment. Her eyes gleam with ecstasy, and I realize that she did not even notice the name she used. It doesn’t take long before my jaw is clenched in concentration.

“Oh God,” Grace whimpers and reaches for the headboard as if she’s worried that her orgasm will launch her off like a rocket. Her pussy walls clench around my cock, setting me off on my own orgasm. I come hard and violently as if my body has been saving everything for this moment. Grace wraps her hands and legs around me possessively as if she never wants to let me go. I wish it were true and not the result of a particularly good sex session.

I nudge her and lie down on her side and hug her to me. I kiss her forehead, and she looks up and smiles at me.

“You’re so beautiful; you know that?” I tell her, fighting to control my emotions.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she says playfully, and then a serious expression comes over her features. “It’s weird doing this knowing there are people downstairs.”

I smile inwardly. The women I dated before wanted to be heard. To them, it was making a statement that we were together. I smooth back wisps of Grace’s hair from her forehead.

“No one can hear you from this room. The walls were made to be soundproof.”

The relief is evident on her face. “That’s good to know.”

“I’ve wanted to have you here in my bed for so long,” I tell her.

“Is that why you wanted to give me a tour?” she says.

“Maybe.” I kiss her cute slim nose.

She seems thoughtful for a few minutes, and then she speaks up. “I can sort of understand why you didn’t tell me who you are. More so after I told you my feelings about people in the limelight.”

“Has that changed?” I ask her and hold my breath as I wait for her answer.

She draws back to look into my face. “You’ve become very special to me, but I don’t think I can do life in the limelight.”

It was just as I suspected. She’s with me temporarily. As long as the press don’t find out about us, she’ll be here. I more or less knew this, but hearing it is tough.

“Why don’t we cross that bridge when we get to it.” I know nothing I’ll say now will push her to a decision. It will just spoil our day. “Hey,” I pinch her nose lightly. “You called me Kyle.”

“When?” Grace demands.

I laugh. “Right before you came.”

A blush pinks her cheeks. “You know, I’m starting to think of you as Kyle, especially after coming here today and hearing everyone call you that.”

“Just so you know, there’s no pressure. You can call me whatever you want. As long as you call me.”

She laughs. “So, do you have a nice big bathtub I can soak in? My apartment doesn’t, and I love tubs.”

I adopt a hurt look. “And I thought it was me that made you come.”

She giggles. “It was the tub.” She throws away the covers and gets up.

She pads to the bathroom stark naked, and I swing my legs to the edge of the bed and follow her.

“Wow,” Grace exclaims. “I love your bathroom.”

“Yeah, that was one of the attractions.” The color scheme is white and black, with a massive tub that comfortably fits both of us.

I fill the bath while Grace sits on the edge of the tub chatting. For the first time in my life, I wish I really were a firefighter. For sure, Grace and I would be together permanently. I love my job, and I’ve worked hard to get where I am. It’s not just a job too. I love that I get to entertain people and with every role I take on, I enter another person’s shoes and view the world through their lenses. That’s huge for me.

But with Grace, I’ve found something special, and the thing I love the most, which is my job, is what is coming between us.