I finally draw back and grin at him.

“That’s my favorite kind of welcome home,” Kyle says. “How was lunch with Isla? Maria told me.”

“It was fun and newsy.”

Kyle frowns. He looks so cute when he’s frowning. “Newsy?”

I kiss his nose. “Yeah. She’s getting married in Vegas, and I’m her best maid. You’re invited too.”

“Oh wow! Good for them. I haven’t met Mark, but I’m sure he’s a good person,” Kyle says.

“He is, and they’re made for each other. He’s able to handle Isla’s brand of craziness.”

He laughs and leans forward to kiss me, slipping a hand under my neck.

“So, will you make it?” I ask him, drawing back to look into his face.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Anyone who is important to you is important to me.”

I tear up at the simple declaration. It means everything to me to hear him say that. “Thank you.” I’m a little choked. A tear escapes my eye, and Kyle brushes it away gently with his finger.

“We’ll use my private jet to fly to Vegas and then back. I’ll have my pilot fly them wherever they want to go on their honeymoon.”

I’m at a loss for words. Then I shake my head. “You can’t do that. It’s too much.”

It dawns on me how shortly we’ve been together, yet he wants to do all that for my friends.

“I want to. I told you. The people who are important to you are important to me. Besides, since we’re invited, I’d like us to go in comfort. Oh, and I have an agreement with one of the nicest hotels in Vegas. Just let me know how long they want to stay for.”

“Thank you,” I tell him. “I’ll ask her right now.”

I call Isla and put her on speakerphone. “Hey, about to be married lady,” I tease her when she answers the phone.

“You’ve got that right,” she says laughing. “Mrs. Cole. Arg. I’m not too sure about Mark’s last name. I think I might just stick with mine, and don’t tell him I said so.”

Kyle and I exchange looks of amusement.

“Anyway, I’ve told Kyle about the wedding, and he says congratulations.”

“Tell him I said thanks,” Isla said.

“He also said he’ll fly us there in his private jet and organize our stay. He wants to know how many days you guys will stay so that he can book the rooms.”

There’s silence from the other end until I worry that Isla has disconnected the phone. “Isla?”

“Oh my God,” she finally says. “I want to say yes so badly, but it’s too much.”

I laugh at that. One of the things that drew me to Isla and deepened our friendship was Isla’s honesty. One thing about her is that what she says is what she means.

I turn to Kyle, and he gestures at me to tell her to agree.

“He won’t take no for an answer,” I tell Isla.

“In that case, the answer’s yes, and I think I’m going to die before the weekend arrives. I’m going to get on a fucking private jet,” she yells. “Tell him thanks a million from Mark and me.”

“You can tell him yourself. You’re on speakerphone,” I tell her.

“I’m going to kill you, Grace. I just embarrassed myself,” she says.

“It’s fine, Isla, and you’re very welcome,” Kyle says, laughing.

Chapter 29


I’m excited for the weekend, even if Vegas is one of my least favorite cities. Ethan drives Grace and me to Isla’s place, where we’re picking her and Mark up. When Ethan parks the car, Grace waves Isla over, and we both get out of the car.

The two women hug while Mark and I introduce ourselves and shake hands.

“Congratulations,” I tell him.

He grins and inhales deeply. “Thanks. I can’t believe that it’s finally happening. In a couple of hours, Isla is going to be my wife.”

I can understand the mixture of feelings. It’s a huge commitment, but from what Grace has told me, they belong together. They’ll be all right, and if things go well, we won’t be far behind in joining them.

“Thanks so much for this; it came as a shock to me,” Mark said. “It’s extremely generous.”

I wave a hand away. “You’re welcome.”

I hug the bride-to-be, and while Ethan stows their luggage in the trunk, we pile into the car. The excitement in the car is almost palpable. Mark and Isla hold hands the entire way. I can’t wait for that day when Grace will become mine permanently.

My plane is parked at a private airport twenty minutes away, and when we get there, the process of settling in takes all of five minutes.

“A dream come true,” Isla says, leaning back in her seat.

We all laugh, and Grace reaches out to squeeze my hand. I’m glad that I’m in a position to be able to do this for people I care about. Unfortunately, I have so few of them. My chest squeezes as I think of my parents, especially my mom. I’ve been thinking of her a lot lately. Missing her.