He turned his hard stare at me and repeated, “Friday. I expect you here early. No later than five p.m. Show me what you got.”

My stomach dipped. It wasn’t enough time. I felt Lev’s eyes on me. I turned to my left and looked up into his warm honey eyes. “It’s not enough time,” I muttered.

He searched my face before calling out, “Birdie,” and when she approached, he stated, “You want to earn some overtime?”

Birdie grinned. “Hell yeah, baby. I got two little mouths to feed at home.”

His eyes softened at her enthusiasm. “Mina is going to need your help with the girls. Can you show them how it’s done, how to dance?”

She placed her hands on her hips and puffed out a long breath. “My guess is most of these girls started by doing some form of dance.” She stepped forward and hollered, “Yo, chicas. Who here has a background in dance?”

To my surprise, almost all the girls raised their hands. Birdie grinned. “Well, all right. We’re gonna need to buckle down and come up with some choreography before Friday. Who’s with me?”

The smiles on the girls’ faces were priceless. They were excited, which in turn excited me, taming the fluttering butterflies in my belly. I turned to Anika and Nas. “I’m going to need help with handouts and advertising.” I looked over my shoulder at Sasha. “Free drink with flyer?”

He nodded. “Okay.” Then he frowned then added, “One per customer though. You better write that shit down.”

Lev’s hand enclosed around mine and I smiled. “I will. I promise.”

A hand squeezed my shoulder. Birdie spoke quietly, “Mina, I don’t know if this can be done, but I’m going to try my hardest.”

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tight. “Thank you so much for your help.” I pulled back, looking frazzled. “You need to tell me what the girls are going to need.”

Birdie’s brow rose in thought. “You got time to go to the mall on Monday?”

I shrugged. “Sure. What are we shopping for?”

“The most important part.” She grinned. “Costumes, baby.”

Oh my.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

Sunday funday had arrived at the Leokov complex.

This meant that I not only had a chance to wear my new swimsuit, but it would give me an opportunity to see Lev in one.

I mean, I know. What’s the big deal? I’ve seen him naked. Right?


It was awfully sexy to see a man in clothes that fit him right, and with the body Lev had, I wasn’t sure how anything could fit him wrong. I was dying to see him in a pair of swimming trunks.

When I stepped out of the bathroom after dressing in my new, uber sexy one-piece, I mentally thanked Cora for her assistance. It was beautiful, with small slits of material cut out at just the right spots, across the ribs, in the center of my breasts, and above the thighs. It was revealing without looking skanky. I loved it.

My hand on the door handle, I paused, blinking at the sight of Lev’s bare butt as he pulled up his swimming trunks, if you could even call them that.

He turned around and I choked on my tongue.

They were different. Not like board shorts. Not like boxers. They were tighter, like boxer briefs. Very European.

I liked.

But then I remembered Anika would be there. “You’re wearing that?”

Somewhere along the lines, I’d unknowingly turned into an alpha male.

Lev frowned, looking down at the navy blue short shorts. He turned his face up, brows raised. “I…yes.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, lips thin. “They’re tiny, Lev. You can see everything.” I bent at the waist and whisper hissed, “And I mean everything.”

“They’re the only ones I have, mouse. They’re going to have to do.”

My lips pouted as I blinked down at his impressive junk. I muttered, “Oh, I bet Anika is going to love that.”

He stood, legs apart, and smiled cunningly. “Is this jealousy, my mouse?”

“No,” I lied swiftly. “It is not.” I feigned boredom with a cool shrug. “I just wanted you to know that everyone is going to see your frank-and-beans.”

Then he did something miraculous.

He tipped his head back and barked out his laughter. And it was beautiful.

I watched him laugh, and my mind was fried by the rough barks of merriment coming from him. It sounded freeing, and I was overwhelmed. I was unsure how to react.

Was it appropriate to burst into tears of joy when you heard your man laugh? I thought not. So I kept quiet, watching closely, committing this moment to my memory bank. I would keep it there for a rainy day, when I needed it most.

“Frank-and-beans?” he muttered, way too amused, wiping away tears of mirth. Then he straightened, holding out a hand. “Mina, come here.”

I pouted the entire way over. His hand enveloped both of mine and he bent to look into my face as he smiled softly. “I am dangerously close to falling in love with you,” he tilted his head in thought before adding, “if not already there.”