Lev pressed a button and his window descended. He leaned outside and pressed the button on the small speaker box. A loud buzz sounded before a man spoke through the speaker, “Yes?”

“Mina Harris and Lev Leokov.”

The speaker buzzed again. “Of course, sir. Come right in.”

The gates rattled before they parted in the middle and slowly opened wide, allowing us entry. I swallowed hard. “How rich is Laredo?”

Lev clicked his tongue before shooting me a look. “Richer than me.”

Well, that was just great. Now I’d never get comfortable here.

It took us five minutes to arrive at the house. I wondered if we’d ever get there. It looked as if Laredo owned the entire block. I felt faint. The house was enormous. It made me wonder how one person could live in something so large. My brow furrowed. “Does Laredo live alone?”

Lev tilted his head to the side. “I’m not sure. When we were children, he always had people staying with him. When one went, another came. But he doesn’t have a significant other, no.”

Lev helped me out the car, and as we walked, the front door opened and out came a smiling Laredo. He was followed by five other men. And four of those five men smiled at me. The other did not smile, and he had scars all across the right half of his face.

I immediately knew who that man was. That man had to be Alessio, Laredo’s son. The man who lost his wife to Sasha’s bed then was made to bear the scars for life, all for loving a woman.

With his near-black hair and soft green eyes, his cheekbones high and a full mouth, it didn’t take much to see that Alessio had been an attractive man. Perhaps, even stunning. But all that had changed.

My heart hurt for him. I didn’t take it personally that he didn’t want to smile in greeting. Why would he? I was part of the enemy’s side. One thing was evident. He scared the bejeezus out of me.

The closer we got, the bigger Laredo’s smile got. We walked up the stairs and Laredo held his hand out to Lev. He hesitated only a moment before he took it, shaking it. “Laredo.”

“Lev,” he sighed. “I had doubts. I figured this meeting would never happen.” He looked down at me, releasing Lev’s hand and taking mine in both of his. “I’m glad you changed your mind, Mina dearest.”

I smiled gently. “I,” then I peered at Lev, “we just needed time for all this to sink in. Thank you for having us.”

His smile fell as he held my hands tightly. “You look so much like her. It still gives me chills.” He held my eyes a short while before he took my hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow. “Come, meet my boys.” He lowered his voice. “They insisted on being here tonight.”

His boys?

More like his smoking hot men.

They were all as tall as each other. The solid walls of their bodies had me mentally laughing. No, they were definitely not boys. Those smiling men made my stomach dip in a bad, bad way. I was half glad Lev didn’t read cues too well or he might’ve seen my sudden blush.

The first man, blond-haired and dressed in a light grey suit, his shirt open at the collar, I’d already met, but Laredo introduced us anyways. “I believe you’ve met Philippe Neige.”

Philippe took my free hand, planting a swift kiss to my knuckles. His French accent was delightful. “‘Allo, Mina. Nice to see you again.”

The next man had light brown hair and hazel eyes, and a smile that stunned. It was bright and wide, and when he spoke, his rough tone had me swallowing hard. “Howzit, liefie?” If his accent wasn’t enough to shock the words right out of me, the fact that I hadn’t understood a word of what he said sure would have. He wore dark jeans, a white V-neck tee, and a black blazer. He grinned harder. “That was my native tongue, Afrikaans. I just said ‘how are you doing, lovely?’”

“Oh,” I uttered, flushing. “I’m doing just fine, thank you.”

He shook my hand like a man would another man. “Nicolas Van Eden.”

“Nice to meet you, Nicolas.” He seemed fun.

“The pleasure is all mine, bokkie.” He leaned forward and told me, “That means doe. And with eyes like yours, I think I’ll be calling you bokkie, little one.”

It took everything I had not to burst into laughter. He was funny without meaning to be, and super sweet. I very much liked Nicolas Van Eden.

The third man shoved his friend out of the way. “My turn.” He had short dark hair and green smiling eyes, and he took my hand, shaking it lightly. “Mina, we’ve heard so much about you.” He looked gorgeous in his tailored black suit. He only had a slight accent, but it was hard to miss. “Roman Vlasic, at your service.”