My eyes closed and I swallowed hard. I had to remind myself that Irina was a good actress and could lie so well that even Sasha was shocked by the sudden turn in her character. Igor didn’t know his own daughter.

If only he knew.

He would know soon enough. They all would. Mirella was good at her job. I didn’t want to rush the situation. When you rushed, you became sloppy, and if Irina thought for one moment that I had a plan, she would disappear into the night with my baby.

I couldn’t let that happen. Lidiya was my world, and if she were taken away from me, I don’t know what I would do.

This conversation was giving me a headache. “Tell Corinna to stay away.”

Igor responded with an uninterested, “I’ll talk to her.” Then he hung up.

My heart pounded in my chest. Every day away from my little girl was a painful death on it’s own. I needed her. She was the only thing I had done right in my entire life. She was proof that even the most damaged person could produce something special.

Wait. Just wait.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. No. I was done with waiting.

It’s too soon.

If I felt I had the strength to wait any longer, I would, but too much time had passed already. I needed my daughter.

I dialed the number and held the phone to my ear. Mirella answered with a happy, “Hello, Mr. Lev. What can I do for you?”

“I need you to speed things up.”

At my tone, she spoke quietly, “How much time do I have?”

“A week,” I responded. I couldn’t wait much longer.

She said confidently, “I’ll get it done, Mr. Lev.”

“Give Lidi a kiss for me, will you?”

She whispered her response. “In a week, you can give it to her yourself.”

Chapter Thirty-One


It was the third night in a row that Lev and I would be sent home early from lack of customers. It was worrying. If things kept on the way they were, half the staff of Bleeding Hearts would be out of a job.

Was it so terrible that the only thing on my mind was sex?

Lev and I had become thoroughly acquainted with each other’s bodies. There was not a place on his tall, strong frame that my lips had not grazed, a place I had not sucked, licked, or sighed against in pleasure. But the main deed…it still had yet to happen. From the intense stares Lev had given me from across the floor during the night, I had a feeling that tonight would be the night.

As it turned out, I was not wrong.


As we undressed for bed, I watched in awe as Lev stripped down to nothing, his muscular body bare, sauntering over to where I lay in nothing but a pair of white panties and bra. His eyes hooded, he climbed over me, sitting up, reaching down to unclip the front hook of my bra.

The material fell away and my small breasts reacted to his adoring gaze, my nipples taut with arousal. His hands glanced my waist then up past my ribs until he gave me the contact I so needed, running his thumbs over the tightening buds.

At my small gasp, his hard cock jerked lightly in response, the dewy precum at the head of him all but begging to be licked away. He towered over me and I loved it, the feeling of being so small under him, the feeling that he could overpower me, but knowing he never would.

It was a powerful thing to cause a want so fierce in the person you loved.

His head dipped and he took one sensitive nipple into his mouth. It was something he did often. I wasn’t sure if it was because he knew how wet I got when he did it, or if it was just because he liked my nipples in his mouth. Either way, it worked for the both of us.

He went to town, nipping then laving the peaks of my breasts, and doing it over and over again until I was whimpering from need. My body felt hollow and begged to be filled.

His deft fingers worked quickly to remove my panties. One quick tug and they were history, nothing but a scrap of satin on our bedroom floor.

“Bend your legs. Knees up, baby,” he commanded, and I obeyed, bending my knees and allowing him an unrestricted view of my wet core.

Lev’s gaze flashed with heat. He ran his big hands down my knees and smoothed them across my inner thighs until his fingertips lightly grazed my outer lips.

His middle finger teased me, gently running over my needy entrance, coating itself in my arousal. My cheeks stained pink as my heart beat harder, faster. I needed it. “Please,” I whispered.

He granted my wish, the tip of his finger slipping inside me in a deliberately slow pace. Bit by bit, he worked himself inside me. A whimper escaped me as I gripped the sheets, twisting them in my hands. My pussy clenched greedily, sucking him in, begging for more.