It had been years since I saw my sister cry, and it hurt to watch as much today as it had back then.

I made my way over to her, grabbed her by the upper arm, and pulled her out of her chair. She didn’t need coaxing. She fell into me, pushing her head into my chest and sobbing quietly. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and used the other to stroke her hair. “It’s okay.”

She shook her head.

I kissed her head. “She’ll be okay. She’s survived for so long without us. Mina is strong.”

Nas nodded in agreement then lifted her tear-streaked face and muttered, “I just feel responsible.”

“No,” I uttered, and squeezed her to reiterate my point. “You didn’t do this. This was not your fault.”

She rolled her eyes but smiled. “Don’t lie to me, Lev.”

“I don’t lie,” I vowed.

She nodded and responded quietly, “I know.” We separated and she picked up her bag. “She’s sleeping on the sofa in the living room.” When I raised a brow, she gave me a look of boldness. “Hey, I’m strong and all, but not strong enough to lug her up those stairs without breaking both our necks.”

I raised my hands and gave her a look that said I didn’t say a word.

I walked her out, hugged her once more, and closed the door behind her. I made my way into the living room, stopping to turn on the hall light so I could see what I was doing. I stood in front of the sofa, looking down at the small woman.

Even in her unconscious state, she was beautiful.

Leaning down, I scooped her up without effort, and walked us both up the stairs, down the hall, and into my room. I switched the light on and stilled.

Anika was sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting for me.

She looked up at me then down at Mina. Her brow furrowed in confusion. She looked around the room, blinking, and started to notice Mina’s things around the place. She stood. “I don’t get it,” she began.

“What don’t you get, Ani?”

“She can stay in your room, a person you’ve known for a whole second, and me, a person you’ve known your whole life, is sent to sleep in the guestroom?” She sounded hurt.

I shifted Mina in my arms then moved around Anika to pull back the covers on the other side of the bed and laid her down gently. “I need to keep an eye on her,” is all I said.

I didn’t hear Anika leave. I was busy fussing over Mina, removing her clothes, leaving her in her top and underwear. I pulled the covers up to her chin. Her forehead was warm to the touch, but she was shivering.

Making my way over to the door, I locked it from the inside, jiggling the handle to make sure no one would enter, and then turned off the light. When I was satisfied, I took off my clothes, pulled out the sofa, and lay down, a sheet draped over me.

In the darkness, I heard her teeth chatter.

My jaw steeled.

It wasn’t a good idea. I shouldn’t have done it. But I did.

Pulling the sheet off, I walked over to the bed, pulled back the covers, and lay down, reaching for Mina. Once her small frame was in my arms, I pulled her close, holding her tight. Perhaps too tightly. But soon enough, her teeth stopped chattering and she settled into me, burying her nose into the crook between my neck and shoulder.

She slept in that position all night.

I slept too. Better than I had in years.



Oh, God.

My head was pounding like a mofo.

Hell in a hand basket.

Every time I moved to lift it off the pillow, curse words ensued.

Never again. Never again.

But then the pillow moved and flexed right underneath my head. Forcing my eyes open, I peeped out, blinking away sleep, a frown on my face, and met warm whiskey eyes.

I tried to speak, but all that came out was a long groan.

Arms tightened around me and pulled me close. I went willingly. My body was sore all over, and I suddenly had my very own hot water bottle in the shape of Lev.

Who was I to complain?

“How are you feeling?” he grumbled sleepily.

My nose in his throat, I muttered, “I’m never drinking again. I have a hangover.”

“You probably do, but it’s more than that, Mina,” he explained gently. “We need to talk about what happened last night.”

I pushed my nose deeper into him. “Will this explain why we’re in bed together?”


I nodded slowly. “Okay. Talk. But do it softly.”

His strong arm cinched around me, holding me tight, and I didn’t want to think about how nice that felt. I should’ve been too distracted by my headache to notice. The other arm slid from my hip, slowly trailed my back, up to the base of my neck, where he cradled me.