But Lev, looking dangerously handsome in his gunmetal grey three-piece suit, kept his glare level on the man. “He put his hands on you.”

Warning bells went off in my head. My smile faded as I placed a hand on his chest. “Hey, it’s okay. They’re just having a bit of fun.”

His glare faded as he looked down at me. “You looked frightened.”

Oh. Had I?

That meant he had been watching me. I couldn’t even think about that right now. I had to calm a murderous looking Lev.

His eyes fell to the ground as he asked a hesitant, “Were you frightened?”

My shoulder jumped in a small shrug. “I’m not used to people touching me, is all. It freaked me out for about a whole second, but I thought about it and I’m okay with it.” I felt the need to defend the grabby man. “He didn’t hurt me, Lev.”

“I don’t like them touching you.”

That was a bold statement if I ever heard one. His eyes, blazing, went over my head, back toward the man. My hand still on his chest, I turned to see the group of men watching Lev, all looking tense and uneasy.

Lev fisted his hands and went to step forward, toward the men.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Sweet Lev getting all riled up over some random guys? I didn’t get it. This wasn’t the man I’d seen over the past week. This was someone else. Someone scary.

“Hey!” I shouted over the music, pushing my hand against his chest to stop him from going over there. He looked down at me, his eyes softening, and he stilled. I smiled reassuringly, patting the breast of his jacket. “I’m okay.” I laughed softly. “It’s okay, Lev. I can handle them.”

He didn’t look convinced. “I’m going to keep an eye on you.”

I didn’t want to test him. Not now. He looked like a bomb set to go off at the slightest touch. “Okay,” I said and headed back to the bar, confused about the reaction these men had spiked in Lev.

The rest of the night went splendidly, and my bra was full to the brim with tip money. My party left around two a.m. with wide smiles, but I wouldn’t let them leave without calling taxis for them first. The husband-to-be kissed my hand and thanked me for a great night. It felt nice to be appreciated.

When the cleaners had come in and everyone was getting ready to leave, Sasha came out from the door behind the bar and advised that he’d be staying behind a while. I hooked my arm through Lev’s and waved goodbye to Anika and Viktor.

Anika, looking down at my arm hooked around Lev’s, smiled and offered, “Hey, Mina, I can drive you home.”

Oh my.

Yep. It was obvious. She had set her cap for Lev. What was funny was that she thought me competition. She was gorgeous. I couldn’t compete with that.

Lev, looking confused, uttered, “That would make no sense, Anika, since Mina is living with me.”

The poor dove paled a few shades. She swallowed hard before turning to Nas and accusing, “Oh. Sorry. No one told me.”

Nas eyed her friend hard. I was proud of her response. “Well, Ani, that would be because it’s none of your goddamn business.”

A shiver of satisfaction went through me as I was led to the car by Lev in complete silence.

Chapter Fourteen


The next morning when Lev awoke, I found myself waking at the same time. I was sick of spending my days in bed. There had to be better things to do than sleeping the day away. But if there was, I was yet to find an activity so enjoyable that it surpassed sleep.

With the bedroom door wide open, I assumed Lev had already left the room. I yawned, sliding out of bed and walking over to the en suite to wash my face and brush my teeth. Just as I opened the door, the shower was turned on and I went rigid at the sight of Lev’s bare behind.

His tight, muscled behind and long, thick legs.

Oh, Jesus.

My small breasts tightened and my stomach dipped violently. Suddenly wide-awake, I gripped the door handle till my knuckles went white, and blinked at the heavenly sight.

He must have felt my eyes on him, because with his back to me, he turned his head, catching my eyes below his belt.

Shit. I was caught, eyes as wide as saucers and mouth agape. I lifted my face to look into his.

I remembered James. I remembered being intimate with James. I could describe to you every aspect of his body in detail. But the sight of Lev’s naked body had me forgetting what’s-his-name in a second flat.

James was a boy.

Lev was all man.

His broad back rippled, and I wanted to rub those bare, bulky shoulders. I wanted to run my hands all over him, to have the privilege of touching anywhere he would let me.