“I see.” I saw from the very beginning. This girl was no thief. I was right about her.

Nastasia looked me dead in the eye and uttered, “I like her, Lev. She’s good people, you know?”

“No. I don’t know. Not yet.”

But I intended to find out.

Chapter Ten


“Mina?” I heard vaguely.

I wasn’t interested. Instead, I burrowed farther into the covers, desperately wanting them to merge with me so I’d never have to leave.

“It’s time to wake up, mouse.”

Pulling my chin under the quilt, I groaned long and pained. “Five more minutes.”

“You might recall that you said the same thing the last three times I’ve tried to wake you.”

Oh. That’s right.

It all came back to me.

Lev had been trying to wake me for the good part of twenty minutes, but every time I swore I was awake and fine to be left to get ready, I fell back asleep.

I peered up at him. He stood by the bed, looking and smelling freshly showered. His jaw was dark with stubble, and his light cologne smelled edible. My reply was muffled by bedding. “Okay, I’m up. Give me five minutes.”

“I’d leave you to it, but you’ve proven to be quite the fibber on that front,” he accused lightly.

I tried to scowl, but my sleepy eyes kept blinking, ruining the effect. His eyes, the color of warm honey, crinkled in the corners as he looked down at me.

I knew there was only one thing to do. In one fell swoop, the covers flew off me and I sat up, shaking my head to clear it of sleep. “Okay,” I chirped. “Yep. That did it. I’m awake.” But as my eyes began to droop again, I mumbled, “I’m sort of awake.”

“What are you wearing?” he asked, his disgust clear.

“My new pajamas,” I looked down at the canary yellow jammies and returned a little defensively.

He looked me up and down, and not in a good way. “They’re hideous.”

My nose bunched. “I didn’t choose them for the way they looked. They’re comfortable.”

I did not dare tell him that they were the bargain price of $4—new in pack, I might add.

My eyes had closed on me again, gosh darn it.

Lev had obviously never had an issue getting up in his life, because his large, warm hand was suddenly on my forehead. “Are you sure you’re all right? You seem lethargic.”

Lifting my hand, I pushed his away gently, and snorted. “I’m fine. It’s this bed. It’s magical. I never want to leave it. If I could, I would have all my meals served in this bed. This magical bed.”

I smiled sleepily up at him, but all I could focus on was his hard frown. He shook his head. “No, I don’t think you’re okay to work tonight. Perhaps next week.”

I stilled. “Wait, what?” Well, that had the desired effect. I shot out of bed. “I’m good. I’m fine. I just need…” My brain had yet to awaken with my body. “I don’t know. I need something.”

“Coffee,” he supplied.

I could have kissed him. “Yes.” This came out in a long whisper.

“Already have a pot brewing. Maybe a shower would help.”

He was right, of course.

Opening my eyes as wide as I could, I dragged my feet toward the bathroom. He called after me, “I’ll be downstairs.” As I shut the door, he reminded, “Don’t lock the door, mouse. I’d hate for you to fall asleep and drown in there.”

I scoffed, but didn’t bother bringing the sass. Rather, I rolled my eyes, clipped my newly straightened hair up, and jumped under the warm spray, careful not to wet my face. Once I was awake, I soaped up, rinsed off, and stepped out.

This house was like one giant, warm hug.

The bed was snug. The shower was toasty. The bathroom lights heated my naked body, drying me as a stood there, soaking it up like sunlight. It was like a five-star hotel. Or so I imagined one would be like. I’d never actually stayed at a hotel before, let alone one that was five stars.

As I stood there naked, I thought about Lev and why he brought me here. I had yet to figure him out. He seemed genuine in his gesture, but my history had told me that you never got something for nothing.

I was mentally ready for the ball to drop.

Having placed my clothes in the bathroom that afternoon before my nap, I dressed in what I had on when I returned from my shopping expedition with Nas. Taking the clip out of my hair, I brushed it gently, as per the instructions of the hairdresser; otherwise, I was destined for frizz. Apparently. Whatever the heck that meant.

My makeup still looked good. I was surprised by how much makeup was applied to my face to get the ‘natural’ look. I laughed to myself. It really was silly.