“Trust me, I won’t be asking you to.” I stepped inside and moved to close the door, but it stopped an inch short.

A light whiskey eye peered in at me. “Remove your clothes and hand them to me through the door.” Just as I was about to ask ‘what for?’ in the snarkiest tone possible, he went on, “I’ll put them in to wash with the others.”

The door closed and I removed my clothes, and wrapping a fluffy burgundy towel around me, I turned the knob, threw the clothes, and called out, “Thank you.”

A moment of silence, then, “You’re welcome.”

Lev left me in peace and quiet while I filled the tub with hot water and men’s scented body wash. I glanced down at that tub before looking back at myself in the mirror.

I was dirty. Grimy.

As much as I wanted to slide down into that bath, I decided to shower first, and from the moment I too warm water hit me, sluicing down my bare body, warming the chill from me, something crossed between a laugh and a sob escaped me. Lifting my face up into the spray, I let myself be consumed by the feeling of ecstasy as I reached up and massaged shampoo through my hair. And I did this smiling, although it was wobbly.

I resumed washing away four months of filth. To say it felt good would have been understatement of the century.

It felt divine.

Showering as quickly as I could, I made my way out and moved to the tub, carefully stepping into the near-scorching water and bathed away lonely nights in a cold alleyway.

And true to his word, Lev didn’t intrude.

Chapter Six


Mirrors did not lie. They could boost an ego, but they could just as easily be cruel and punishing.

Lev’s bathroom mirror was a heinous bitch.

It showed every bruise, every line, and every protruding bone in a way that left even me shocked. But my hair was clean, and I might’ve smelled like a man, but I no longer smelled offensive. I scrubbed my face clean, and although my face was a nice shade of pink, I didn’t have three-day-old makeup congealed and stuck to my lashes, which was great.

It came time to leave the bathroom, and I quickly realized I had no clothes. I opened the door an inch and peeked out, letting steam waft out around me. “Lev?”

He stepped back inside the room and, uncomfortable at my nude state, I slammed the door shut. He knocked lightly. “Mina?”

“Hey,” I started. I looked at the door, wringing my fingers. “Hi.” I rolled my eyes at my muddled mind and took a deep breath. “I just realized I have no clothes and I…” I swallowed hard, passed the apprehensive lump in my throat, and finished softly, “I need clothes.”

He didn’t respond for a long while then he knocked again. “I don’t have any women’s clothing, but this should do for the night.”

I opened the door, hiding behind it, and his large hand popped inside. It was gripping a white shirt. Thanking him, I took it. I threw it on and did the buttons up. It saddened me the way I swam in it. Once upon a time, I had curves that would’ve filled this shirt out nicely. It looked more like a freaking sheet on me. I glanced down at my legs and wondered what I ever thought wrong with the extra weight I used to wear. It was so disappointing to see large knobby knees through the thin pale skin there.

I felt ugly.

When I let out a long sigh and straightened, I nearly swallowed my tongue. My small breasts stood pert and my nipples were visible through the thin material of the shirt.

Oh, hell no.

I looked down to see the dark patch between my thighs also making itself apparent.

Um…double hell no.

I tiptoed to the door and called out softly. “Excuse me, Lev?”

He was there in a second flat. “Problem?”

“I was wondering if you have a darker shirt I can wear?”

He paused a moment then asked in disbelief, “You have a color preference?”

Tonight I did, dammit.

I realized I sounded needy, but I didn’t want him to see me like this. “I’m sorry. It’s okay. I’ll make it work.” I added a contrite, “Sorry.”

Holding my head in my hands, I gave myself a mental pep talk.

This man has been extremely kind to you tonight, Mina. In a few measly hours, he’s given you things you could’ve only dreamed of. Don’t be ungrateful.

A light knock at the door then it opened a few inches. His hand came through holding something dark. I took it and the door closed. I held it up.

It was a black shirt.

Tension I hadn’t known was there unfurled from my gut as relief had me laughing softly. I called out, “Thank you.”

He replied softly, “You’re welcome, mouse.”