Why didn’t Alessio live with us? Why was he left to a father that didn’t want him? I didn’t understand.

I faced Laredo. “Why were we separated?”

Laredo ran his tongue over his teeth. “Because it hurt Clara, and my brother liked to punish her.” He frowned, almost lost in thought. “My brother was married. He didn’t have children with his wife. Clara was nothing more than a plaything. I tried to make her see reason so many times, but,” he sighed, “she loved Enzo.”

Oh, Jesus.

My heart sank. She was the other woman? Who the hell was this person?

“Enzo was good to her for a while. Treated her well. She loved the attention, of course.” He raised his brow as he made his point. “He was the better looking brother.”

I see.

“Clara fell pregnant only a month after sleeping with Enzo. The entire club knew who the father was. Clara asked him to leave his wife. He refused. She told him she would leave him. Just disappear. Told him her baby needed a father.” Oh, God. She sounded a little like Irina. My stomach dropped. I was so embarrassed. “He told her that after she had the baby he would leave his wife. But I knew he way lying.” He shrugged. “It was no surprise to me that after she had Alessio that he stayed with his wife. Clara was heartbroken. She planned to leave town. Enzo caught her packing her things. He went ballistic.”

Laredo glanced at Alessio before turning back to me. “He beat the shit out of her. Said that if she tried to leave him again, he’d kill the boy. I had no doubt that he would. She wasn’t stupid enough to try again. At least she was allowed to see her son.”

“He beat her?” My voice shook. “She was the sweetest person in the whole world, and he beat her?”

Laredo leveled me with a stare. “Enzo used whatever means to keep her by his side. When Clara realized she’d picked the wrong guy, she turned her affections on me.” He smiled. “I was good to her. I loved her. I wanted to father her children. It wasn’t fair that Enzo had that. He didn’t deserve any piece of her. She found that out a little too late. But I took care of her as much as she let me.”

My view of my mother was dimming fast. “Yeah, she sounded like a real peach.”

“We grew careless,” Laredo ignored my snide comment and went on. “It didn’t take long for Enzo to grow suspicious. He walked in on us one night and I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I fought my brother tooth and nail. I fought so hard that I broke his bones as well as mine. But Clara…she’d had enough of us. She took off, leaving Alessio behind.”

Poor Alessio.

My throat thickened at the harsh fact.

How could she?

“My brother tried to take Alessio’s life a week later. He attempted to drown him in the bathtub. But he couldn’t see it through.” He turned to look at Alessio. “He didn’t want to love the boy, but he did. A month later, Enzo was found in his home office stone-cold dead. He’d died of an accidental drug overdose that I presume was not so accidental. Enzo’s wife didn’t want Alessio. She knew he was the product of an affair, so I adopted him. He should have been my son in the first place. I love him very much. I tried to find Clara, but she hid well, funnily enough, right under our noses. I didn’t even know she passed away until two years ago.” He eyed me. “I didn’t know she had a daughter.”

Hope beamed from somewhere deep inside of me. “How can you be so sure you’re not my father? You said you were intimate…”

But he was already shaking his head. “No. I’m sorry, Mina. I’m not your father. We never took our affair that far. It’s just not possible that you’re mine.” He huffed out a breath. “But I would’ve killed to be your dad, sweet girl. Know that.”

Tears prickled my eyes as I nodded solemnly.

Alessio had heard enough. He sneered at me from across the table. “While you were out picking flowers with your ma, I was hiding bruises from my friends.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my eyes shining.

“What are you sorry for? You had a good childhood. I was forgotten. That’s life.” As I looked down at the table, he spoke into the silence. “What? You don’t want a brother any more?” My heart broke. He huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, I didn’t think so. Not good enough for you, am I? Just like ya mom.”

Lev gripped my hand so tight it hurt. “Shut your mouth.”

He said this at the same time Laredo called out, “Don’t speak out of anger, my son. You best be quiet, Alessio.”