That was what I said. What I meant was: If you trust me, that is.

The condom packet was flung across the room and Lev smiled down at me.

He fucking smiled at me.

It hit me with so much force that I forgot I needed oxygen to live. I breathed out a shaky, “Oh my. Your smile.”

I was overwhelmed.

He smiled. And it was aimed at me.

It was all for me.

His smile came down over me and I felt his grin at my lips as he kissed me. It was all I ever wanted, and now that I had it, it made me realize I would do anything to keep it.

He adjusted himself at my core, rose up on his elbows to look down at me, and pushed. The head of him went in smoothly, but soon I was being stretched and it was hard to stop myself from flinching. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, breathing deeply. Lev faltered, unmoving a moment, but I smiled up at him, nodding. “Lev, I want this.”

His hands slid under my body to wrap around my lower back. He looked me in the eye. “Slow and steady, baby.”

I braced. “Slow and steady.”

He thrust lightly and my body fought to accept him. I was wet, but his cock was thick and long, and I wondered if this was going to work out the way I’d planned in my head.

I closed my eyes and breathed through the initial lunges. The more he worked me, the easier it became. My body no longer fought, and the friction of Lev driving into me was sending sparks down my spine. I opened my eyes to look up at him and his hips jerked fitfully.

He spoke through gritted teeth. “You feel incredible, mouse. Just a little more.”

My hands gripped his forearms, my nails digging in as he plunged into me, no longer afraid of hurting me. He kept his pace for a long while before I reached up and laid my hand against his rough cheek, pulling him down for a long kiss.

I felt hot and stretched, and his warm touch sent me into a frenzy. “I’m ready.” The naughty words sat on the tip of my tongue until I finally breathed out against his lips, “Fuck me, Lev.”

It became clear that Lev would not be able to get the entire length of him in me. Not tonight, anyway. My guess was that it would take multiple lovemaking sessions to get there. Luckily for him, I was up for the challenge.

Gripping my hips, he drove into me, thrusting as hard and deep as he could go without hurting me. My chest heaved with unsteady breaths. He was driving me crazy. My pussy throbbed around him and he tipped his head back, groaning.

His arms went rigid, the veins in them sticking out, his brow furrowed as he tried to gain control over himself, but I didn’t want Lev to be controlled. I wanted him to feel as helpless as I did. I wanted him to lose himself in me as I did him. I wanted Lev in all the ways I could get him.

I wanted him in a way that no others had him.

My core convulsed once more and Lev let out a shout, his hips jerking wildly. “Mina.”

Seeing Lev turned on this way had lights dancing in front of my eyes. My pussy tightened and tightened. My nails found a home in Lev’s shoulders. I panted harshly until a soft cry flew out of me, sending my body flying as my sex throbbed uncontrollably around him.

Lev’s thrusts turned erratic. He lowered his head, his nose pressed into the side of my neck, and he let out a long animalistic growl. My arms wrapped around him, holding him close as he neared his crest. He stilled, his body turning stiff, and his cock jerked inside of me, bathing me in wet heat. His release was harsh and prolonged. He nipped my neck as he gained control of his rigid body. His breath hot at my neck, he kissed me there and I smiled.

Lev was mine now in every way.

I wanted him to know I was his in every way, too.

I ran my hands down his damp back as his erection softened inside me. Turning my face, I pressed a soft kiss to his forehead and spoke quietly, “I love you, Lev. Very much.”

He stopped breathing a moment. His response came in the form of those strong arms tightening around me, pulling me further into him. I smiled, my eyes closing contentedly.

I didn’t expect him to tell me he loved me back. I wasn’t even sure if he did. I merely needed him to know how he made me feel and that I needed him.

I was looking for long term, and, my Lev…he would give me long term.