Nas closed her eyes and slumped into him, kissing him back with all that she had. The display was so brash, so hot, that I had to turn around to hide my blush. They looked good together.

I looked at some of the bikinis when, from behind me, came, “I think you’re better off going for a one piece, darlin’.” I spun around to see a young woman around my height, perhaps a smidge taller, with long blonde hair and bright pink lips smiling at me.

She didn’t work at the store. She seemed to be browsing.

I cocked a brow. “You think?”

Her blue eyes popped. “Oh, I know. Look, we short women need to stick together, and I’m being honest here…we look like children when we wear bikinis.”

She was kind of funny. I chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Without permission, she took my arm and led me to the rack behind. “This here is the petite section. There are some sexy one-pieces you can try, or even a tank/bikini bottom combo. Maybe a sarong or kaftan.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I get so caught up.” She put her hand out. “I’m Cora.”

“Mina,” I said as I took her hand. “Nice to meet you.” I admitted, “I’m grateful for the help. I’m not much of a fashionista.”

Nas approached from behind. “Those are hot,” she said, keeping a close eye on my new friend.

I made introductions. “Nas, this is Cora.”

Nas stared, unblinking at the girl, and spoke in deathly calm. “I know who she is.”

Cora was no longer sweet, not to Nas anyway, and her lip curled unkindly. “Just helping out.”

“Corinna.” Nas stepped forward. “You’re not following us, are you?” She looked down her nose at the woman. “You know I don’t have issues with beating your ass into the ground. And on that note,” Nas smiled cruelly, “I see your nose healed fine.”

Uh oh.

What was happening here?

Cora shrugged. “Okay, so maybe I heard about the gypsy and wanted to see her for myself.” She glanced at me and her lips pursed in thought. “She’s cute.”

I didn’t see Vik approach, but I most definitely heard him when he growled, “You out of your fucking mind, Corinna? What don’t you understand about ‘stay the fuck away from us’? Do you know what Lev will do if he finds out you’ve even looked at Mina?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and smirked, looking full of herself. “What? It’s not like I haven’t been playing nicely.” Cora…or Corinna…or whoever the frick she was, spoke directly to me and quietly. “No hard feelings, whatever happens.” She lifted a swimsuit off the rack and handed it to me. “Try this one.” She smiled kindly. “It’ll look good on you.”

Then she walked away and out of the store.

Still watching the spot she’d exited from, I asked, “Who was that?”

Vik muttered, “Corinna Alkaev.”

“Yeah,” I started. “I don’t know who that is, guys.”

“Irina’s sister,” Nas stated then added reluctantly, “Cora was my best friend.”

Oh my.

Drama, drama everywhere.

Our shopping trip came to an unexpected end and I bought the swimsuit Cora had chosen for me. We went home, and I was told not to leave the house until Lev got there. That was okay with me. I wasn’t planning on leaving.

It was time I found out exactly who the Alkaev family was.

While waiting for Lev to come home, I sat in the living area and watched a rerun of Oprah. The episode was about women who preyed on men that were already in relationships. It made my lip curl in disgust. How women could do that was beyond me. I mean, I understood that it took two to tango, but actively tempting a man, knowing he was with someone…yeah. No.

It seemed like fate had forced me to watch that episode, because when I heard the front door open and I rushed out into the foyer to greet my handsome man, I was accosted by another sight.

Anika walked in beside Lev, her elbow laced through his and her other hand resting on his chest, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Anika looked like she was in heaven.

Lev looked indifferent, as always.

Curse words sat on the edge of my tongue, flipping her the bird, but when Lev turned to face me and his eyes smiled in that way that made me near-swoon, my heart reminded me that Lev was mine. Fortunately enough, my mind agreed.

I smiled up at him. “Hey, you. I was wondering when you’d get home.” I glanced over at Anika, my brow raised. “I didn’t realize you had plans.”

He stepped toward me, forcing Anika to dislodge herself from him. When the tips of his toes touched mine, he enveloped me in a warm, secure embrace, reaching up to stroke my hair. “I didn’t have plans.” He kissed my temple and my skin burned from the contact. “Anika locked herself out of her apartment. She called me to pick her up. Nas has a spare key and she’s on her way.”