“Hey, I know you,” was heard loud and clear. “You’re the homeless chick.”

All conversation stopped. All eyes turned to the screen.

“Please turn it off,” I begged on a whisper, my voice trembling.

But no one listened. They were too enthralled in the altercation happening on the screen.

“Too bad you’re not hungry anymore.” I bit the inside of my lip, my heart racing. “Damn, you’re a pretty one.” My throat closed and my arms tightened around my body. “I’m regretting not taking you up on your offer that night. My cock craves you mouth, baby.” Tears filled my eyes and I closed them tight, not giving him the satisfaction of crying over his actions one more time. “What would it take for the offer to be reinstated?”

“Hell to freeze over, you dirty asshole.”

I heard the low whine of someone standing from a chair. I knew he was in front of me before I even opened my eyes. Instead, I squeezed them closed tighter. “I’m sorry,” I told him.

I heard myself on the laptop. “Is that how you let men in your club treat women?” I cringed, slapping my hands over my face, knowing what was coming next. “No, thanks. I’ll be taking my business to Bleeding Hearts.”

Speaking through my hands, I let out a muffled, “Oh, God.”

I heard someone chuckle quietly. Nas spat out, “It’s not funny!” shutting them down before they could humiliate me anymore.

Sasha spoke. “I know it’s not funny. I’m not laughing out of humor.” His voice held a key note of derision. “Not only did she cause a scene, but her crazy ass announced that she’d be coming here.” He scoffed. “Yeah. There goes the rest of our customers.”

“Shut up, Sash,” Nas hissed. Her voice softened a great deal when she asked, “Mina, you know that guy?”

I shook my head.

When Lev spoke, I felt his fury. “You said nothing happened. That wasn’t nothing.”

It was then that I opened my eyes and, sad as they were, they settled on Lev. “I didn’t want you to hear what he said.”

“Why?” he asked, bordering irate.

I bit the inside of my lip and spoke through the thickness in my throat. “Because what he said…” Oh, God, I was so ashamed. “It’s true.” I sniffled, the first of many tears trickling down my flaming red cheek. “He owns a sandwich bar. I asked him for food. He told me to suck his dick. At first, I refused, but,” a ragged breath escaped me, “but I was so hungry, Lev. So hungry,” I stressed. “And when I finally agreed, he told me it was too late and left me crying out in the street.” I looked down at the ground. “He didn’t get his blowjob. And I didn’t get anything to eat.” My voice turned to a whisper. “That was the day before I met you. That was why I stole Sasha’s wallet.” I looked up through my blurry eyes to lock eyes with Sasha. My whisper was hoarse. “I was desperate.”

No one spoke for a while. I didn’t want anyone to speak. I didn’t want looks of pity. I didn’t want sympathy. I wanted to go home.

“Okay,” Lev murmured in that soft way of his, and it was almost as if he’d read my mind, because he turned to the others in the room and stated, “I’m taking Mina home.”

Even though he wasn’t asking for permission, Sasha gave it in the only way I imagined he could. “Yeah, whatever. It’s not like we got customers to serve.”

We drove in long, comfortable silence, holding hands over the center console.

When we arrived home, we went about getting ready for bed. Lev undressed all the way down to his boxers, no longer afraid of dashing my mild sensibilities, and I dressed in my ‘hideous’ yellow pajamas. Lev locked the bedroom door, pulled out the sofa, climbed in, and turned off his lamp. My lamp followed suit as I climbed into the ginormous king bed.

I lay there a long while, unable to get comfortable or find sleep.

It took a long, stern, mental pep-talk, but I made my decision.

Sliding out of bed, I shuffled over to the sofa bed, climbed onto the mattress, and wasn’t a little bit surprised that Lev had predicted my move, lifting the sheets to let me under. He spooned me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me back into his warm, strong body.

His scent was warm and manly. He was toasty, and his hard body cocooned mine. It calmed me. Comfort hit me immediately and I yawned.

I felt Lev’s lips press lightly at the base of my neck. “Goodnight, Mina.”

“Night, sweetie.” My eyes turned heavy, and soon, I was lost to slumber.

We slept that way until dawn.

The next morning, as I walked out of the bathroom dressed in my black yoga pants and white off-the-shoulder tee, I was brought to a stop by Lev sitting on the edge of his bed, waiting for me.