Running an online business nowadays involved using social media to market them, and for some inane reason, people assumed that gave them the right to be downright vicious and nasty. I could take it, but it dragged me down and took the enjoyment out of what I was doing for a few days, so I tried to avoid posting things that brought those people to my pages.

I desperately wanted to list the torso bowl. It was feminine, beautiful, and with the black glazing with subtle blue details, it was edgy yet sophisticated.

And I was going to. It’s time I pushed myself outside of my comfort zones a bit more.

I was pulled out of my musings by a text coming through.

Maddie: Was that to him or me? If it was to him: lame. You should have said you’re naked and wet and need your back dried. If it was to me, tough shit, bitch. You know I’ll be there for breakfast.

Oh God, I’d sent it to the wrong person.

A quick copy and paste in the right message, I sent it back to Jordan and replied back to her.

Me: Why are we friends again?

This time, her response was as beautiful as it was hilarious.

Maddie: Because you love me and know I’d give you my kidney if you needed it. Also, because I’m like herpes—there’s no getting rid of me.

I knew for a fact she’d give me a kidney because she’d offered one after I’d been attacked.

Maddie had been in the waiting room with my parents when the doctor had told them what’d happened. She’d heard ‘kidney area’ and immediately demanded they take one of hers to give to me. Fortunately, I hadn’t needed it, but it’d taken two doctors to explain that to her after she’d told them she wasn’t leaving until they cut her open and took it out.

After that, she’d gotten my parents to list her down as my sister so she could visit me in the ICU when I had the infection. I wasn’t kidding when I’d told Jordan it’d gotten close to my heart stopping. When the doctors had told my parents they were doing everything they could, Maddie had again demanded they give me one of her vital organs to save me.

Friendship like that was rare, and I appreciated every breath she took and every beat of her heart. She had the same tattoo as me on her own wrist as a reminder of both something bad and something miraculous, given the condition I was in.

I’d only just sent back a gif of Rachel and Monica hugging from Friends when my phone buzzed with a reply from Jordan.

Unknown: I absolutely can do that. And if you need any help, I’m here at any time of the day to do that. I’ve never done pottery or glazed anything, but I’m a quick learner. PS, you have my number now, and I expect you to use it. J

I chewed on a nail as I read and then reread the message, finally deciding on two actions.

The first one—I saved his number. I rarely did that because I had a separate phone for work to cut down on the prank calls during the night. People saw your number listed online and sent all types of random things through, and it cut into the tiny amount of sleep I was able to get as it was. My personal phone was for the people in my life and stayed next to me at all times. Saving his number in it put him into my ‘circle of trust,’ and that was a huge step.

The second action was to text him back.

Me: As soon as the commissions that need finishing are done, I’ll hound you for help. You’ll regret offering.

His reply was quick.

Jordan: I doubt that, and I’ll definitely see you soon.

That night, I swear I slept with a smile on my face, but I couldn't confirm it because I didn’t have a camera in my bedroom. That was significant because I usually had nightmares and woke up twice because of them, and for the first time in eleven years, I didn’t do that even once.

I wasn’t naïve enough to say that they were gone, but I’d take even that one night because it was a miracle, and I finally woke up feeling rested for once.

And for someone who hadn’t had that feeling for so long, it was the best feeling ever.

Chapter Three


Years ago, Blaze and I invested in some businesses in town. We’d bought out a popular bar most residents went to, Daniel’s Bar, and we’d bought the tattoo shop. At the time, an asshole called River had owned it, and he’d ended up getting what he was due after terrorizing a lot of people, including Wes’s wife, July. We’d kicked him out after signing the contract for the place for being too handsy with female clients, and then we’d helped Wes rescue July from him. Creepy bastard.