“Or poison dogs and women,” he ground out through gritted teeth.

Looking back down at me, Wes nodded somberly. “Yeah, and that. She says it’s definitely in a more gel-like form, so that’s her guess. She’s handed her statement over to the police, and the hospital’s doing the same with the bone. Nico’s going through the footage from the cameras to see what he can find, and the police will be paying you a visit in a minute to take your statement, too. Are you okay with that?”

Blinking slowly, I mumbled, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Just checking.”

Moving away from his corner, Jordan sank down in the chair beside the bed, grabbed my hand in both of his, and rested his head on top of them all. My heart broke seeing him like this, and I looked worriedly at Wes for reassurance he was okay.

“You came into contact with a dangerous drug, Sienna. He’s just faced something he never expected to happen, especially after what happened to you at school. Jinx’ll be fine, just give him a moment to get his bearings back.”

That made sense, I guess.

Rolling onto my side, I gently scratched the top of his head with my nails, then sifted my fingers through the strands. It helped me when he did this, so I was hoping it’d do the same for him.

Finally, he spoke again. “Swear, my heart stopped.”

I heard Wes’s boots move toward the door as I stared at the top of Jordan’s head, hating how tortured he sounded. I knew I’d be the same if the roles were reversed, but it was so at odds with the strong, resilient man he was that it had a harder impact on me.

As the hinges on the door squeaked, signaling Wes was going out of it, I tugged a chunk of hair to get him to lift his head and look at me.

I needed to be the strong one to make sure he was okay this time. “I’m fine. The doctor said it wasn’t a lot, and they didn’t even have to give me anything.”

“You weren’t fucking fine,” he bit out, his jaw clenching. “You and the dogs were poisoned with a synthetic opiate, Sienna. That’s not fine, that’s someone trying to kill you.”

“But they didn’t.”

“Not this time,” he rasped, kissing the top of my right hand, and leaving his lips pressed against it. “They’re not going to get another chance.”

“Nico and the police—”

“Need to give us the information so we can catch the bitch. That’s what they need to do.”

“You don’t know for sure it was Hazel, honey. She hasn’t sent me any of the letters she usually does, and the judge said—”

His head lifted so suddenly that I retracted the hand that’d been in his hair so quickly it landed with a thud against my chest. “It was her, I know it was. Just because she hasn’t stuck to her usual MO, doesn’t mean she didn’t plan this.”

Then, getting up, he planted both fists in the bed and leaned over me. “Baby, I got Nico to look into her, and she’s not stopped doing bad shit. Fuck, she even ran a kid over.”

“Oh my God, a kid?” I breathed. “Who does that? Is he or she okay?”

“A deranged bitch, is who. The kid’s okay, but she managed to get out of that legal battle as well. We’ve been keeping an eye on your place with the cameras, so he’s looking through it now to see why it didn’t trip the alert on them.”

“What about where she lives? Did he manage to find that? It’ll make it easier to—”

“Seems she liked your idea so much about registering key details at other people’s houses, she’s been doing it, too.”

“God,” I cried softly, unable to scream like I wanted to, thanks to the effing, effing Fentanyl.

“I’d suggest you moving to mine, but I don’t think it’ll be a deterrent for her. Plus, we’ve got more security at yours as it is. But I’m moving in with you, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

I could see he was braced for a fight, but he had to be out of his mind if he thought I was going to argue that with him.


The space between his eyebrows deepened as he frowned down at me. “Okay?”

“Yeah, I like you, and you’re handy to have around.”

Whatever he found in those words made his face soften as he brushed some hair off the side of my face. “I’ll keep you safe, baby,” he whispered. “I promise.”

Before I could answer, the sound of a text came from the pile of my clothes in the corner of the room. Without me needing to ask, he pressed a kiss against my lips, then went over to retrieve it for me, glancing at the screen before he passed it over.