The movement made her thigh rub against my erection in such a perfect way, all the nerve endings in the tip lit up. I’d never felt anything like it, never even knew it was possible, but it didn’t surprise me that she could achieve the impossible on the part of me I’d thought I knew well.

“Morning,” a voice sang as the door burst open, making my finger press down harder as it passed over the bundle of nerves I’d been teasing, getting a cry from Sienna.

All I can say is thank fuck it was Maddie, because I doubt I’d have had the cognitive functions to defend her if it hadn’t been.

“I brought breakf— Oh, shit,” she wailed, and I looked over my shoulder to see her spinning around to face the wall with her hands over her face. “Why does this keep happening?”

Jaw clenching, Sienna glared up at me. “I’m going to kill her.” Even though I was disappointed and frustrated, I still found the situation funny, so I burst out laughing. “Don’t encourage her,” she hissed, digging her nails into my back, and making me laugh even harder.

“I saw the truck and thought he’d come over for breakfast,” Maddie squeaked. “I mean, I guess that’d count as breakfast, too, but I was thinking more of the food kind.” She paused, then added, “Although, if there’s been eating, that still covers that.”

Throwing an arm over her face, Sienna growled, “You can stop at any point.”

“I’ll leave and get it set up so that you guys can—” she waved behind her from the top of the bed to somewhere under the window, “—finish doing that. By the way, Jinx, I like that tattoo in the center of your back. I was thinking about—”

“Why isn’t she stopping?” Sienna whined, and I lost the ability to hold my weight up with the laughter that belted out of me.

I’d never thought cock blocking would be funny, but these two were fucking hilarious most of the time, and even with this included, it was hysterical. Dropping onto my back on the bed, I gulped in oxygen, hoping they’d stop before I passed out at this rate.

Unfortunately for my lungs and brain, they didn’t.

“Before I go,” Maddie said, not moving from where she was facing the wall. “I’ve sent you nice nighties and sleeping stuff for years, Blake, and you’re telling me you couldn’t slip one on when you got into bed with that level of hotness? Really?”

Pulling a pillow over her face, Sienna yelled something into it.

Realizing she wasn’t going to get anything out of her friend, Maddie stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut behind her. Sienna was just lifting the pillow away from her face when it was forcefully opened again, and Maddie was standing there with her hand over her eyes.

“Boys, Auntie Maddie brought you breakfast. Come on.” The scratching of claws from Sienna’s side of the bed followed it, and both of them trotted happily out of the door before it was shut loudly.

Frowning at the door, I pointed out, “They didn’t even bark.”

‘They never do with you or Maddie now,” Sienna mumbled from her position back under the pillow. “She’s taught them with treats to recognize what her car sounds like, so they just happily wag when she’s around.”

That might be the case, but they’d proven their loyalty to her by staying at Sienna’s side, even with the promise of whatever crap Maddie was feeding them to buy their love.

Lifting the corner of the pillow, I grinned when I saw how tightly clenched shut her eyes were.

“Look at me, baby. I want to see those beautiful brown eyes.”

She didn’t exactly do as I’d asked, but I’d take the one that she squinted opened to peek out at me. “Is she gone?”

Pressing my lips against hers in a quick lip touch, I tossed the pillow off the edge of the bed so she couldn’t cover her face again with it.

“You’re safe.”

“I swear she’s like a boomerang. You throw her as far as you can, but she never stays on the path and comes straight back at you.”

Dropping my head so that I could bury my face in her neck, I burst out laughing at the mental image she’d painted.

“You’d be lost without her,” I reminded her, still laughing.

“I’d be laid without her.”

The words were so unexpected, and unlike her, I almost clipped her with the back of my head with the speed I lifted it up at. Apparently, she’d shocked herself, too, because she clamped her hand over her mouth and her face turned bright red.

“Did you really say that?” Keeping her hand in place, she shook her head rapidly as her eyes darted all over the room, like she was looking for a place to escape. “Yes, you did. What happened to the shy Sienna?” I was teasing her, and from the way her eyes narrowed at me, she knew it.