Bursting out laughing, I shook my head. “He’s taken, Madison, but there are some others who are single.”

Holding out a hand, she waited for me to shake it. “Deal. But call me Maddie. I only get Madison when I’m in trouble.”

“Okay, but only if you call me Jinx.”

“Alrighty then,” she agreed, then spun to walk toward the door. “And just so you know, I’ll cut your dick and balls off if you hurt her, and then I’ll reverse over them with my car for badness. There’s no coming back after that.”

I heard a whistle and “Damn” from Blaze’s room, followed by a male scream from Ramon’s. Obviously his customer was feeling some of what I’d be feeling if she did that.

Lifting my chin at her to let her know I understood, I watched her squeal and jump as the door yelled “Yo” when she opened it. Almost like nothing had happened, she squared her shoulders and left.

“Good luck, man,” Blaze said as he walked up behind me. “I don’t get most of what you were discussing about what’s happened to the Sienna chick, but I’m in if you need me.”

While we waited for the next customers to turn up and said bye to the guy Ramon had just pierced—who was now walking like a penguin, very slowly taking one painful step at a time—I filled him in on what I knew.

By the end, I had his definite confirmation for assistance, as well as an order to make sure she had adequate security in her house and wherever she did her work.

It’d already been on my list, but I was going to have to get her to approve a visit more quickly so I could make sure she did. Over a decade may have passed, but with her behavior, I wouldn’t put it past Hazel to try something.

Running through who I remembered being a friend of hers that was still in town, I narrowed it down to three women who could let Sienna’s return slip to her. Jane, Helen, and Jill. Jane was on husband number two and had two kids who might distract her. Helen was a realtor who dated like it was a sport. Jill was married to a police officer, ironically, so she might have learned some common sense.

I’d be making a point to find out more about them, though. It was time Sienna had more people standing behind her, and I was stepping up.

Four days later…

Pulling up in front of Sienna’s house, I took a moment to look around me.

It was on the outskirts of town, so there was a big field behind it and a wooded area on the other side. In terms of peace and tranquility, it was perfect. In terms of security, it was a fucking nightmare.

Tugging my helmet over my head, I hooked it on the handlebars of my pride and joy, my Indian Chief Challenger Dark Horse motorcycle. Daniel’s Bar hadn’t taken a lot of work when we’d bought it because it was already popular, and everyone loved it. But Blazing Inx had taken hard work and perseverance to rebuild trust in it after River’s bullshit. So, when the shop had started turning a decent profit, I’d bought the bike, all in black and chrome, and I loved the hell out of it.

There was one other issue with the situation right now that I could see right off the bat—where the hell was Sienna? Her vehicle was here, and with how loud the bike was, I’d have expected her to come out of her house or even look out the window. But there was nothing.

Swinging my leg over the saddle, I dismounted and rounded the side of the house. I knew from her website that she took her photos outside, and given that it was a nice day, maybe she was doing that now?

It wasn’t until I got to the back where a new structure was that it made sense. She’d obviously had a workshop built for her, and if the singing coming from it was any indication, Sienna listened to music while she worked. Which was one of the worst things she could do safety wise.

Making sure to walk loudly and knock as hard as possible, I waited for her to stop what she was doing and come to the door. After a couple of minutes of doing that, as I scanned the field and then the woods, I gave up and opened the door.

Sienna was sitting on a short wooden stool, her legs on either side of a pottery wheel, with her ear pods in as she made something with a large lump of clay. From the off-key singing coming from her, she was listening to Metallica.

Interesting, I hadn’t pegged her as a classic rock fan.

“Sienna,” I called, not wanting to startle her if she turned her head and saw me watching what she was doing like a creeper.