One eye opened as she hummed, “Hmmm?” at me.

“I just got an alert from the security system at the shop. Something’s triggered it, so I need to head out and check on it and reset the alarm, okay?”

Moving up onto an elbow, she frowned as she looked around the room, like she was trying to get her bearings. “I’ll see you out—”

“No, stay in bed, and I’ll lock up. I’ll leave the lights on so you’re not in the dark.” I knew she hated it and that it sometimes triggered a panic attack if she woke up alone in it, so I turned on the bedside lamp and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Stay safe, Sienna.”

“You’re the one going out to war,” she smiled up at me. “I’ll be just fine. Come back safe, honey.”

Giving her one last kiss, I petted the boys' heads as I went past them. “You guys watch over her. You’re in charge.”

Thankfully, there’d been no lasting effects of the Fentanyl on them because the medication July had given them had been administered in time. It still blew my mind that science could do something like that to people who’d overdosed, and I was so fucking grateful July and her team had been able to identify what it was so quickly.

Jumping on the bike, I drove through the dark night, looking around me constantly just in case. As I got to the shop, though, the niggle that’d been in the back of my mind grew. What I was looking at was definitely not a fucking break in or robbery.

Pulling my helmet off, I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Blaze’s number, knowing he’d be on his way.

“There’s a hole in the front window, but it doesn’t look like anyone’s inside.”

“Sounds like a setup.” And this was why we were so close. He was wise, but he was also realistic.

It was totally a setup.

Fuck, Sienna was home alone.

“I need to go, man. Sienna’s on her own.”

I didn’t hear what he said back because I’d already started the bike again and was heading back in the same direction I’d just come from.

In all the years we’d had the shop and Daniel’s Bar, we’d never had anything like this happen. And only three weeks after the Fentanyl?


I didn’t even have my helmet on as I drove, and I didn’t pay attention to any stop signs or red lights either. They could give me a ticket, they could take me to court, but they couldn’t stop me right now.

Chapter Thirteen


I was in that place where I wasn’t fully asleep, but I wasn’t awake either. More like I was dozing while I waited for Jordan to get home safely and hugging his pillow tightly against me like a loser.

The problem was, I’d grown so used to sleeping next to him already in the dark, I couldn’t do it with the light on now. It was tempting to reach out and hit the switch, but I didn’t want to risk a panic attack or an anxiety episode if I opened my eyes without it on.

But there was a way around it that I knew well. Lifting his pillow, I shoved my head under it and hummed happily. I had the light outside if I lifted my head, but I had darkness and the scent of Jordan under the pillow. Perfection.

This time, I was slightly closer to being fully asleep, and it was heaven.

I don’t know how long I slept like that for, but the sound of the boys' collars rattling and their claws scratching on the ground as they walked around made me smile. It was a comforting noise that reminded me I wasn’t alone.

Until I heard them start growling. And not their typical growl, this one was deeper and held more warning to it.

Throwing the pillow off my head, I blinked in confusion into the dark room. Where were the lights?

Just then, the bed bounced, almost making me scream until I saw Mento standing next to me, his body looking more rigid than it usually was.

Keeping my voice as quiet as possible, I whispered, “What is it, baby?” and stroked his back.

Normally, he’d curl into me or lick my hand, but this time he remained tense, his focus on the door to the bedroom. That’s when I heard the noise, like something falling somewhere in the house.

Sitting up, I watched Bash turn to stone and start growling, his teeth visible in the moonlight coming through the window.

Mento suddenly burst into action and nudged me with his nose, so I slipped down off the side of the bed that was farthest from the door.

Think, Sienna.

Reaching under the bed, I felt around for anything I could use. Everyone kept crap under their beds, but I couldn’t remember if I had anything useful. And then I touched something cold, something metal with a weird rubber thing on it.