Blinking rapidly against the tears that were building, I blurted, “I love you. You’re the best friend anyone could have, and I’m going to start wishing for that man to walk into your life.”

Waving her hand rapidly at her face to stop the tears from falling, she snapped, “Don’t say nice things. We’ve just done our makeup, and I don’t want to look like Alice Cooper in that music video where his eye makeup’s everywhere.”

She had a point, so I reached out for the roll of toilet paper and tore a piece off to dab under my eyes. “You started it. Okay, conversation change, what’s happening with Darwin?”

Her eyes dropped to the sink at the same time that the hand she’d been waving clenched into a fist. “He had a family emergency, apparently.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I hope things are o—”

Throwing her arms in the air, she yelled, “It’s a lie. Men lie, Sienna, and that’s one of the most overused ones in the playbook. He’s not interested and is just too nice to say it.”

Making a mental note to ask Jordan if it was true, and knowing my friend well enough to know that she didn’t want to talk about it ad nauseam, I leaned into her side. “Wanna get chocolate wasted?”

“Depends, is it Cherry Garcia?”

“Of course.”

“And are there other flavors so we can have an orgy?”

I was just about to repeat her earlier statement of not being an amateur, when a voice barked, “What the fuck?”

Mento and Bash needed to start barking when people they knew turned up, but seeing as how it was Jordan, I’d give them a pass. Plus, given that it was the second time he’d overheard us discussing orgies of some form, I had to feel a bit sorry for the poor guy.

Now to explain about ice cream orgies. They were ugly things, but they were also a coping mechanism for Maddie and me. PMS, period pains, breakups (hers), breakdowns (mine), sad movies, girls' days, bad days—it was our thing.

And if what she’d just said was true, he was going to be around for a lot of them. I was really freaking happy about that prospect, too.

Smiling at Jordan as he walked in, I waited for him to notice my new look. It didn’t take long.

His green eyes stopped on my face, then slowly trailed down my body, a soft smile growing on his lips as he did it.

“Well?” Maddie snapped. “What do you think?”

Raising them back up again, he walked slowly toward me until he was only roughly a foot away from where I was standing.

“You look beautiful, baby. But, just to say,” his eyes cut to Maddie, “Sienna’s stunning always.” Then, looking back at me, he murmured, “Love the new look on you, and if you want to wear makeup like this, do it. You’re gorgeous with and without it.”

Closing the distance, he pressed a kiss against my mouth, before backing away and whistling for the dogs as he left, leaving us watching his back with our mouths open.

Once the shock left her, Maddie spun around and flicked me in the center of the forehead. Hard.

“Will you quit doing that,” I cried, holding my hand against it. “What was that for now?”

“For getting him first.”

A deep laugh coming from the direction he’d gone in had me biting my lip with the urge to join him. The only thing that stopped me was because I didn’t want to risk Maddie flicking me again.

Narrowing her eyes at my mouth, she huffed, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, you twisted trout.”

Shrugging a shoulder but keeping my hand on my forehead just in case, I smiled brightly at her. “At least I don’t have to do makeup like this every day.”

“You can go off people, you know.”

She was lying. Maddie was as stuck with me as I was with her. And it was becoming the same way with Mr. Jordan Jinx.

Chapter Ten


“Are you staying?” Sienna asked hopefully after Maddie left.

Throwing my cut back onto the couch, I pulled my phone out my pocket and fired off a text to Blaze, letting him know I wasn’t going to be in Daniel’s Bar tonight. “Absolutely. We working on the projects?”

She was just lifting her hand to her mouth, but she stopped before it got there and shoved it behind her back. “No, I took the day off so my back would straighten back up again.”

Sitting back down, I patted my lap, hoping she’d be okay with sitting on it. Almost like it wasn’t a big deal, she dropped down and curled up, leaning her side into my chest. I was a biker, and before it I’d been a horny teenager, so something like this shouldn’t mean so much to me. But it did. In fact, it meant more to me than anything I’d had before with a woman.