Picking up the coaster with the bar's logo on it, I spun it around and fiddled with the edges, purposefully not making eye contact with her. “I think you’re reading too much into this. He was a nice guy in high school, and he’s a nice guy now. That’s no surprise.”

“And holding your hand from the car to the door? Was that out of the kindness of his dear heart? Perchance he was trying to save you from tripping over thou feeteth?”

Sitting back in the bench with a thud, I glared at her. “Feeteth? Now you’re just being dramatic.”

Reaching over for my hand, she squeezed it. “Honey, I’m just happy for you. I want you to have someone like him who does the things he does for you and makes you feel as relaxed as you are right now. I haven’t seen you jump once around him, and I’m not used to that. Hell, you were almost relaxed at the store the other day instead of hunching over the cart and keeping your eyes down.”

Damn, I didn’t realize I was that bad.

“Don’t do that,” she warned, pointing at my face. “Don’t do the guilt thing. What you need to do is grab on with both hands and don’t let go. That man really would crochet drain hair if it came with you in his life, and I’m so damn happy for you that I swear I go to sleep with a smile on my face every night.”

“You didn’t do that before?”

“Did you manage to get more than two hours sleep a night before?” Seeing the answer on my face, she nodded slowly. “Yeah, exactly. I’m so happy for you, Sienna. You deserve this.”

God, I loved my best friend. “I’m not sure if you’re right but thank you.”

The happy smile on her face changed to a wicked one. “Now, speaking of falling asleep with a smile on your face, it’ll be your turn soon. I swear I was expecting you to tell me you were pregnant with batteries and your vibrator was the daddy one day.”

Gasping, I checked around us to make sure no one was listening, then hissed, “Watch your mouth, Madison. That’s uncouth! And, no, I wouldn’t be pregnant with batteries. Ever.”

I thought I was defending myself and saying enough to shut her up, but apparently, it had the opposite effect on her. “Do you mean…” she stopped and swallowed awkwardly. “As in, never? Like never ever?”

“Never,” I said firmly, shaking my head.

“Fuck me,” she breathed, leaning back with a ‘thunk’. “Maybe I should have asked for alcohol.”

“Why, because I’ll never be pregnant with batteries?” I snickered, still oblivious to what she meant.

“What the fuck?” A deep voice chuckled next to me, alerting us that Jinx was back from the bar.

And at the worst time possible.

Wincing, I turned and gave him a wan smile. “Hey, you’re back.”

Before he could answer, though, someone called his name, and he turned around toward the person. This left Maddie with enough time to hiss, “The next opportunity we get, we’re talking this new information out.”

That sounded ominous. Maybe I should have gone for alcohol?

Chapter Five


I should have known she’d be okay tonight. Once a survivor, always a survivor.

I’d just come back from discussing the construction of the fence between her property and the woods with the guys, unable to stay away for long in case she was struggling. I’d found her sitting talking to July, both her and Maddie acting like she’d known her all their lives. She was proving to be far more resilient than Sienna gave herself credit for. I wasn’t shocked by it, I was proud of her for it.

Initially she’d been stiff and unsure when I’d introduced her to people, but July had a way about her that would make even ice warm-up if she smiled at it, so it hadn’t lasted long. A few of the other club women had spent time at their table, too, but they’d all been called away to either dance with their men or talk to different groups seated around the bar. This left the three of them to talk free and easy amongst themselves.

Sliding in next to Sienna, I rested my arm behind her on the back of the bench, with my thigh pressed against hers. Slowly but surely, I was increasing the amount of contact between us. I figured if I did it at a slow pace, she’d get used to it instead of being scared by it, and so far, it was working.

And she was totally oblivious to it as she smiled up at me. Maddie wasn’t, though, and neither was July—proof of which was the way they were staring at where my arm was and then grinning at me.

“So, do you think you’d be interested in a rescue dog?” July asked Sienna. “I’ve got two who need homes right now. Both boys.”