I grab a bottle of the cheap shit from the bottom shelf and take a swig. The heat rushes down my throat and does its best to warm up the bone-deep chill I still feel from the creek. I replace the bottle and ignore my reflection in the bar mirror. Noah’s drinking is something I need to address, but it will have to wait.

“You ready?” He glances at the stairs leading to the main level.

“As I’ll ever be.”

We climb the steps. The farther I rise, the heavier I feel. I want to ask my father about Delilah, but I can’t. Uttering her name will put an even bigger target on her back. My father works in particular ways, ways that I’ve learned over years and years of watching him. Find out what people want themselves to be, then reflect that vision back at them. Even more important, find out what people fear, what they covet, what they care about, then twist it and use it to control them. He’d do the same thing with Delilah.

“Get in here!” My father’s tone is jovial, so I naturally wonder what new bullshit he’s cooked up to pile on us.

Miriam, former Maiden and current wife of the governor, sits on a couch to the right, her white skirt suit pitch perfect, and her tan legs crossed at the knee.

“The first lady came to see us.” My father leans back in his chair, a smile stretching his too-tight lips.

“Miriam.” I give her a nod as Noah and I sit in front of the desk.

“Nice to see you two.” Her light blue eyes are sharp, missing nothing.

“Sweet Miriam was just telling me about a new industry the governor is trying to woo into our great state. Tell me more.” He waves at her to continue.

“It’s a car manufacturer based in South Korea. They’re looking to move to a state with a readily available workforce, room to grow, and of course, low taxes.”

Dad scratches his chin. “Where are they looking to go in the state?”

“Somewhere along I-65 to the north of Birmingham. Likely Cullman County. They’ve got their eye on a hundred acres just off the highway and near the old Union Rail line. But they want some big tax breaks in exchange. Louis balked at that.” She twirls a lock of hair around her finger and bites her lip in a practiced look of seduction. “He did at first, anyway.”

My father pats his knee. Like an obedient dog, Miriam goes to my father and sits on his lap.

“You convinced him this would be a good deal, did you?” He nuzzles into her hair.

“I may have done a few things to change his mind.” She unbuttons her jacket as my father’s hands rove her body. “All for you, my Prophet.”

“I want that company, especially if we can wrangle first pick on jobs for Heavenly members. Adam, go ahead and buy up the land Miriam is talking about. We’ll want to sell it to the Koreans at a premium.” He pulls her top down and sucks her nipple through her white lace bra.

Noah shifts in his seat and looks anywhere but at them.

“You think you can convince old Louis to set up a meeting with us and the Koreans to talk work force?” He pulls her bra down and nuzzles her breasts.

“I can convince him.”

“You can?” He grips her hair and pushes her down to the floor. “Show me how convincing you can be.”

“Anything for you, Prophet.” She licks her lips as she disappears behind the desk.

It’s a relief that I can’t see her anymore, even though sloppy wet sounds start up as my father leans back in his chair. My father is a pig, though no one seems to notice it but me.

“We’ll get control of that car factory in no time.” He grunts and tucks his hands behind his head. “A full Heavenly Ministries workforce running the place.”

I don’t look away from my father’s filth. I never have. “I’ll call the lawyer this morning.”

“Get out of here, boys. I need to finish the rest of my business with Miriam.” He closes his eyes as the slurping increases.

We walk out of the office and find Castro in the foyer staring daggers at me.

I laugh and stride past him, enjoying the extra fury that wrinkles his brow. He’s a prick, and I’ve already decided I’ll kill him one day. At this point, I’m just a cat playing with my food.

“Jeez.” Noah exhales as we descend the stairs. “Dad just… he just does whatever.”

“Prophet perks.” I grab a top-shelf bottle from the bar. “And don’t act surprised. He’s done plenty worse than that.”

He scrubs a hand down his face. “I mean, Mom is upstairs. Right now.”

I unscrew the cap and take a drink of the dark, smoky liquor. Our mother may as well be on Mars. We can’t get to her. Not with armed guards outside her door that track every move she makes, Castro her constant shadow when not guarding Dad. My father learned quickly after Noah and I made the biggest mistake of our lives. When he caught us trying to leave, he made us watch our mother pay for that mistake with interest. She’s caged even more than we are.