Pulling against my bonds is useless, but I do it sometimes, just to wake up my limbs a little. My upper arm aches where I dug out the tracker. But it feels off, as if they stitched it up. I can’t remember what happened right after they dragged me in. I only remember this room, this empty black void.

I wonder if there’s a brand new tracker in my arm now. Not that they need it. I’m in the Rectory, and I’ll never get out.

More noises. Maybe footsteps? I strain toward the sound, hoping for a reprieve. Maybe Adam’s finally come to get me!

Something creaks and light filters in.

I blink over and over, my eyes stinging as they adjust to the not-so-total darkness.

“Bring her.” A woman’s voice.

Rough hands grip my wrists, and I sigh as the restraints loosen. My muscles ache as someone drags me into a sitting position. The Head Spinner, Grace, her face in shadow, unbinds my legs while someone else removes the gag. I lick my lips, my tongue like sandpaper. I wipe the water from my temples and ears, then suck it off my fingers. Nothing has ever tasted this sweet, I’m certain of it.

With a yank, I’m pulled from the table and dragged into a hallway, the cement floor cold and wet beneath my bare feet. Grace grabs my other arm, and the two Spinners march me past other rooms, the doors closed, mysteries behind them that I can’t investigate. I can barely keep my head up, and my feet seem to have forgotten their job.

The Spinners don’t mind, dragging me when I falter until we reach an open door at the end of the hall. They carry me inside and drop me in a heap at the feet of the Prophet. A threadbare rug separates me from the cold concrete floor, and the Prophet sits in a cushy chair, the fabric a deep crimson. I squint up at him. He gives me a benevolent smile and waves the Spinners away. They close the door when they exit.

“My dear child.” He reaches down and tenderly pulls my chin up so that I have to look him in the eye. “What have they done to you?” He inspects my face, then lets his gaze fall lower. A frown creeps into the creases by his mouth. “Grace!” His yell makes me jump.

The door opens behind me. “Yes, Prophet?”

“Did I not tell you to treat this tender child of God as a sacred female?” he barks.

“Yes, Prophet.”

“Bring her water and food this instant!”

It’s theater. It has to be. He’s well aware of what’s happening to me in this place. He put me here. He could free me if he wanted.

“Yes, Prophet.” Only a few seconds pass before Grace sets a tray next to me on the worn rug. Fruit, water, little sandwiches cut into triangles—all of it there to tempt me. And it works. I can’t stop myself from reaching for it, even though I know it’s poisoned.

“You are blessed among my Maidens, Delilah. Chosen. Precious. Favored above all others.” He strokes my hair as I take the glass of water and drink deeply. “Not too much.” He places his hand at the base of the glass. “We don’t want you to get sick. Try some of the grapes.”

I take one. Knowing it’s laced. Knowing this is all some big trick. But I’m so hungry that I don’t care. My body won’t let me care. I devour a handful of grapes, then drink more water, the Prophet petting my hair all the while.

“I know your heart, precious one. I know you would never have tried to leave the safety of the Cloister if it weren’t for the snake leading you astray.”

I drink more and eat a sandwich. I feel like the sandwich has a rainbow inside it, but I can’t see it, only feel its energy. With each bite, I’m filling up with color.

“She will be punished and cleansed until a serpent no longer dwells in her heart.” He smiles down at me, and I can’t help but return it.

“You’re safe, Delilah. I will keep you from all harm. The Lord has given you to me as a holy gift, one I will cherish.”

I nod, because what he’s saying is true. The light that suffuses his fingertips tells me he is a true Prophet. And the food gives me light, too. And it’s all because of him.

“Thank you, Prophet.” I lay my head in his lap as he pets down my back.

“You are on the right path.” He presses another grape into my mouth, his fingers lingering against my cracked lips. “The Lord is pleased with you.”

“It’s all because of you.” The grapes seem to dance on the plate, vibrating from positive energy. I grab another handful, jealous of how they sway and glisten.