“Good afternoon, Maidens.” She snaps her fingers, and Abigail hurries over with a leather executive chair. Once she’s settled, Miriam surveys the room. “I’m glad to see you all looking so well.” Her gaze lingers on me for a moment before continuing on.

I look that bad?

She leans back. “You’ve been trained in the various ways of being a godly companion for your chosen mate. All the lessons you have learned up until this point are extremely important to your future. They may seem—” she taps her French-tipped nails on the arm of the chair “—difficult, but they will pay off. They certainly have for me.” Cue beauty queen smile. “Now, what I’m here to discuss in particular is the Christmas Eve celebration. The Prophet puts on a huge bonfire every year for Heavenly. You will all be in attendance, and you will be on your best behavior.” She holds up a finger and crooks it. “Grace, would you care to explain?”

The Head Spinner walks to the front of the room. “Each one of you will be equipped with one of these.” She holds up a necklace with a simple, but thick, chain with a cross hanging in the center. “I will assign a Spinner to watch each of you. Should you step out of line—Mary, get up here.”

Mary rises from her seat in the back and walks to the front.

“Here.” Grace hands her the necklace.

Mary takes it, but holds it away from her as if it’s a venomous snake. Grace pulls a fob from her pocket.

Mary immediately shrieks and drops the necklace.

Grace smiles. “Apologies, Mary. I accidentally had it on the highest setting.” She retrieves it and hands it to the shaking girl. “Hang onto it one more time for me.”

This time when Grace uses the fob, Mary flinches, but doesn’t make a sound.

“Thank you.” Grace takes the necklace back and shoos Mary to her seat. “As you can see, these necklaces will punish any Maiden who steps out of line. I want you to keep in mind the Prophet’s will when—”

“I can take it from here.” Miriam’s smooth voice holds a note of dismissal.

I take what little satisfaction I can in the fact that, in Miriam’s presence, Grace is no longer the alpha. Grace gives her a sharp look, but nods and retreats as Miriam continues, “Now, after the initial bonfire ceremony where the Prophet will deliver his Christmas blessing, the Heavenly attendees will disperse. That is when your true test will begin.”

I glance at Eve, but she seems rooted to her chair and stares at Miriam with an intensity that can only stem from hatred or fear. Which one, I can’t tell.

“Suitors will be in attendance.” She raises her eyebrows as if we’re supposed to get excited. “Men who will express interest in those of you they find worthy. The Winter Solstice is a special time of year for the Prophet. You’ll discover what I mean at the event. Now, I’ve instructed Grace on how I want all of you dressed and prepared. Looking our very best for the Prophet is a sure way to be in perfect obedience to him.”

Her honey-coated words don’t hide the truth. We’re going to be exhibited like cattle at a meat market. I wrap my arms around myself more tightly.

She stands and paces back and forth gracefully, her stilettos barely making a sound on the wood floor. “There are certain rules that the Prophet will expect you to follow while at the celebration. You may not speak unless spoken to. You may not leave the common area. The suitors are special guests, but they are not to be trusted.” She points to a Maiden on the front row. “You, come here.”

The Maiden rises and walks over to her. I think her name is Phoebe.

Miriam pulls her dress up to her hips. Phoebe doesn’t protest.

“The suitors will want to take this from you.” She taps Phoebe between the legs. “This is your most sacred gift. If you dirty it with the touch of any man, you dirty your soul. The Prophet will know, and he will judge you.”

My mind slingshots back to what Adam felt like inside me, filling every bit of me until all I could think of was him. My thighs clench. But I can’t think about that. Not right now.

“You must keep this sacred, above all else. It is for the Prophet to take or give as he sees fit.”

You mean it’s the Prophet’s to sell off. A suitor won’t buy what’s already been taken.

She drops Phoebe’s dress back into place. “Protect your precious gift or face punishment. Do you understand?”

We nod.

She glares and shoves Phoebe toward her seat. “I said do you understand?”

“Yes,” we yell in a torrent.

She composes herself and adopts her usual smile. “Good. I’m glad we’re all on the same page. And now, I’ll leave you to the rest of your training.” She waves like a beauty contestant as she leaves the room, and we’re all too shocked to whisper amongst ourselves as an ancient video about the importance of chastity begins to play.