Page 294 of Double Score

The nurse behind the counter looked flustered when she recognized me. “Oh my God. Wes Blakefield.”

“Yep.” I leaned my elbows on the surface.

“Are you here to see Dr. Ashworth?” She raised her eyebrows with a knowing look. Lennon and I had made it in the headlines. According to the press, we were practically engaged. Amazing what dating the same woman for two weeks could do for the gossip reporters. They acted like I was a tamed lion. Hardly.

“Not this time. I need to see Dr. Evans about my paperwork.” Although I wouldn’t leave the hospital without seeing if Lennon was available. I knew she was in surgery most of the day.

“Of course. He is your doctor.” She typed something into the computer. “Looks like he’s in between patients. I’ll page him.”

I waited at the desk. A few seconds later, the white-haired man popped out of a lounge.

“There’s our quarterback!” He beamed.

“Yep. And I brought you a few things.” I held up a pair of tickets to Sunday’s game and a signed jersey. Just wanted to thank you.”

“That’s not…” He took the gifts. “Tickets? My wife will be pleased with me.” He laughed. “I hear you need some kind of paperwork for the AFA.”

“Yes. If you could sign off on that last set of documents, I’ll be waving to you from the field Sunday.”

He scratched the back of his head. “Maybe we should find an exam room.” He looked at the nurse.

“Oh, you can go in three.” She pointed.

I followed the man and waited to show him my miraculous recovery.

“Let’s take a look here.” He peered at my hand. “Can you make a fist?”

I did as he asked.

“Can you tap each finger to the center of my palm?”

I followed the next instruction.

He turned my hand over. “Any pain?”

“No, sir.”

“Well, I have to say, Dr. Ashworth is an amazing surgeon. I’ve never seen a recovery like this.”

I grinned. “She is pretty amazing.”

He looked at me over the rim of his glasses. “Yes, the hospital rumor mill said something about you two being an item.”

“I think your rumor mill is accurate.”

The man nodded. “Thought so. I wondered why she handed you over to me so quickly.” He laughed. “Doesn’t matter. She did the right thing. She has strong ethics and standards. And she is an excellent surgeon.”

I wasn’t used to feeling pride for someone else. But I did. My heart almost burst with it. My little sex vixen was a fucking genius, and everyone around here knew it. I needed to do something for her.

“You’ll sign off for me, won’t you?” I towered over the doctor, but I didn’t think intimidation was necessary this time. I had proven my hand functioned fine. I could play in the Sunday game.

“Not a problem. The AFA and the Wranglers will be happy you’re back.” He handed the freshly inked document to me.

“Thanks. Do you know if Dr. Ashworth is out of surgery?”

He shook his head. “No, she’s probably got another two hours ahead of her, but I’ll tell her you stopped by.”

“That’s okay. I’ll talk to her tonight.”