Page 251 of Double Score

“Wait, is that the call that had you all pissed off?”

“Mmmhmm. She said Todd kicked her out and she needed money and there was nowhere else to turn, so she called me as an old friend.”

“And you turned her down?”

“Hell yes, I turned her down. I wasn’t going to give her anything. So when she showed up a couple days ago, it was suspicious. She had some lame story about wanting to get back together.”

I bristled when he mentioned that part.

“But I showed her the picture of you and told her how insanely crazy I am about you and how you’re my future.”

“You said that?”

He nodded. “I did. I wanted her to see how happy I was with you. How happy you make me. So I shoved the damn picture from the lake in her face. But then she started crying and I left my phone for a few seconds. I guess it was long enough for her to get the photo. Now I realize she was approached by one of the outlets to get the scoop on me. She did it for the money. She doesn’t care about who you are or that she cost you your job. She doesn’t care about what it did to me to see you hurt. She’s always been a tunnel-vision kind of person.”

“And a complete bitch,” I added.

He laughed. “And that.”

“I didn’t want to leave the Goddesses, Sam. Not like this. I was really starting to like those gold boots.”

“I know, baby. But I think I have something that’s going to cheer you up.”

“What is it?” We had been on the road for over an hour and we were getting closer to the city.

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

I felt as if I could finally breathe. I believed him. I believed the entire story about the ex and the picture. The whole thing made sense. Sam didn’t have to drive to Austin to kidnap me. He did it because it mattered to him whether I believed him or not.

“Do you forgive me, Natalia, for putting you in this situation? It is my fault the picture is out there.”

I took his right hand in mine. “I do. I’m sorry I jumped to all of the conclusions I did. It seemed logical at the time, and now I realize I was a crazy person.”

“Nah.” He shook his head.

“Okay, no, I was completely justified and sane.” I smiled. I liked the feel of his hand against my palm. It was warm and strong, just like him.

If people only knew what I knew about Sam Hickson.



I shouldn’t feel nervous, but I fucking did. I drove under the building and parked in my usual spot.

“We’re here.” I pulled the keys from the ignition and walked around to let Natalia out of the passenger side.

“And here is where you live?” she guessed.

“Come on.” I tugged her behind me and led her to the elevator. I punched in the button and we rode to the top floor.

“You’re not going to tell me anything?”

“Give me five seconds and you’ll see for yourself.”

I shoved the key in the lock and opened the door for the new apartment. She walked over the threshold and turned to look at me.

“What is this place?”