Page 247 of Double Score

“No. You’re talking about something that happened years ago. I’m over it. I’m over you. I don’t care about Todd or your damn breakup. Go get a job. Make some money like normal people do and leave me the hell alone.” My voice boomed across the apartment.

She started to tear up. “Oh, hell. Don’t cry about it. We haven’t been a thing in a long time. I can’t make you cry. You didn’t cry when you cheated on me.” I glared at her.

She took a deep breath. “I’m not going to cry. It’s just that when I see you, I remember all the fun we had, and how much you made me laugh. And I know I shouldn’t have cheated on you. It was wrong. I was wrong.”

I nodded. “Now you’ve got something right. So you can clear your little conscience and get the hell out of my apartment.”

I didn’t like her being here. I didn’t like her acting as if this was even a possibility.

“Nothing? You feel nothing?” she prodded.

I pulled out my phone. “No. See?” I scrolled through to the picture of Natalia and me at the lake. “I have someone. Someone who doesn’t cheat. A woman who I’m fucking insane about.” I shoved the picture closer so she could see how serious I was. “This woman is my life. You are a bad memory.”

She closed her eyes and the tears started to slide down her cheeks this time.

“Shit. Hold on.” I dropped my phone on the table and walked to the bathroom to grab a tissue. I looked through a few drawers before I found one. Part of me wanted to throw her crying ass in the hall, but I didn’t.

“Here.” I handed the tissue to her when I returned to the couch.

“Thanks,” she sniffed, pressing it to the corners of her eyes. “You sound like you’ve found someone special then.”

“Yes, I have. Natalia isn’t like you. She wouldn’t do what you did. I’m happy, Maddie. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. So drop this idea that you have. You can give up on whatever scheme you have to get back together and drain my bank account.”

I started to relax. I didn’t have to be a complete asshole, even though this girl had shredded my heart at the start of the season. She had fucked my roommate all summer and the only reason I found out was I walked in on them. It was a day I didn’t like to remember.

That was college. This was the pros. I was over Maddie.

“I told you, that’s not why I came over.” She started to raise her voice and then stopped.

She rose from the couch. “If what you’re really saying is that you’d rather be with this Natalia girl, than trying to pick up the pieces of what we had, then I don’t know what to say.”

I stared at her in disbelief. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.” I walked back to the door. “I think you should say goodbye.”

“For good?” Her eyes were misty.

“Yes, for good. Forever. Don’t call. Don’t check on me. Go see Todd next time you’re feeling lonely and broke.”

She huffed and I saw the anger boiling in her eyes. “Maybe you are just an asshole, Sam Hickson.”

“Thanks for dropping by.” I practically shoved her into the hallway.

She glared at me and walked down the hall toward the elevator.

I closed the door. What the fuck was that all about?

Two days later, I figured it out.

I woke up when my phone started buzzing. I didn’t take calls this early, but I picked up the phone.


“Turn on Sports Now,” Natalia instructed.

I grinned. “Since when did you become such a morning sports fan? Is there a story about me?”

“Turn it on,” she hissed.

I picked up the remote. It was still on the channel from last night. I saw the picture and read the scroll across the bottom.