Page 197 of Double Score

“Fuck,” he groaned as he unleashed himself inside me.

The sweat rolled down his chest and I panted as my second orgasm picked up where the other one left off.

I clutched his firm ass, digging my nails into his skin. “Don’t stop,” I begged.

I didn’t want the dance to end. I didn’t want the pleasure to be over. I wanted to stay in the air while he carried me through the high.

He grinned. “As hard as I am, I won’t.” He plunged into me again, then kicked my legs off his shoulders, pressing a kiss on my mouth with blistering heat.

I held on to him, clinging to his damp, warm body as the waves pulsed through me. One after another. I vibrated and shook in his arms.

He yanked the pillows out from my hips, lowering me to the mattress with a wide smile. I knew he had a plan.

He rolled on his back, pulling me on top. I grinned, knowing I could move with him like this. My breasts perked and I started to ride him with wild abandon. I felt the power of my body. The skill in my movements as he closed his eyes.

I had him. He was going to come. I rose up, bringing the tip of his cock to my entrance, then sank on him swiftly.

That was when his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me to his mouth, biting and sucking at my lips. I melted in his arms, feeling another orgasm surge in my limbs as he pumped in and out of me. I’d meant to drive him crazy. Blind him with passion, but our bodies together were like a combustible substance, and I lost the power I had over him. I lost it in his arms. I lost it in his lips as he fucked me with the gentle thrusts of my most beautiful dance.

He kissed the V of my throat. “I—”

“What is it?” I searched his eyes. I hoped he had the words that explained what was happening between us. I was looking for the words too, but I couldn’t comprehend what our bodies had done. What they were doing. I tried to catch my breath, but I was tingling all the way to my to


“Nothing.” He shook his head. “It’s nothing. Just that I can’t wait to fuck you while you come again. How did you say it in French?”

I kissed him. “Baise-moi.”

He chuckled. “Baise-moi?”

I nodded. “Oui.” My body felt warm pressed against him, the sweat of sex slick between us. I was somehow satisfied and restless at the same time.

“Then baise-moi, darlin’.”

I didn’t question him. But I didn’t believe what he had said either. He was about to say something important. I could sense it. I could see it in his eyes. And if he felt half of what I did when he was inside me, we had both fucked up. We had made the mistake of thinking we could leave the hotel as strangers, just as we had found each other in the bar. But this man didn’t feel like someone I didn’t know. Sam felt like part of my soul. Part of the air I breathed.

I looked into his eyes, wondering if he felt the same thing.



I heard my alarm go off and slapped the bedside table. Shit. I felt exhausted. My body was sore and I got two hours of sleep. I rolled over, ready to pull Natalia to my chest. I could let the rule slip for another couple of hours. It was still technically not the season. Not yet. Kick off wasn’t until eight-thirty.

Last night had been fucking incredible. Nirvana, even. It was the most epic one-night stand of my life. And in my gut, I wanted more. My cock twitched, thinking of taking her again. I wanted to taste her, feel her, and kiss her until the last second. I rolled toward the wall, but the covers were flat.

I sat forward. Her clothes were gone. Her purse was gone. The bathroom door was wide open.

I closed my eyes. Shit. She wasn’t here. I didn’t have her last name or her number. I didn’t know where she worked or what she did. What I did know was that she had done something to me, when I didn’t think that was possible. One-night stands didn’t affect me. They never had. And I’d have to make sure this one didn’t either.

I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms and let out a deep breath. I knew nights like last night didn’t just happen. Two people didn’t move together like we did. Do the things we did to each other. But I needed to file it in my memory bank and put a lock on it.

I stood from the bed and stretched my arms toward the ceiling. I needed to shower. The team would meet for breakfast in forty-five minutes, and then Coach would call a meeting to review the protocol for heading over to the Warriors’ dilapidated stadium. That place was a shit hole and we all knew it. Not only did we hate our rivals, we pitied them.

I pulled a T-shirt over my wet hair and the fabric clung to my chest. I stepped into a pair of jeans. Team meetings were casual. We wouldn’t have to dress up until it was time to ride over to the stadium. I stuffed my cell phone into my pocket and walked down the hall. It was hard not to picture Natalia next to the room door. I shook my head. Fuck no. I wasn’t going to do this.

I arrived at the elevator and waited for it. I told myself I wasn’t going to relive that kiss inside its walls. I wouldn’t remember how Natalia clung to me. What her ass felt like. How tight her long body was under my hands.