Page 16 of Double Score

The other guys began to shuffle out of the room, a few of them looked relieved they hadn’t been tapped for the job. Isaac stayed behind.

He waited until everyone was gone and then he turned on me.

“You don't seriously want her, do you?”

“Why wouldn’t I? I just dropped seventy-five grand.”

“Because you always dick around. You fuck anything in a skirt. How do you think you’re going to handle being a fiancé for an entire season?” I heard anger in his voice.

“Because it’s fake, man. I’m not actually engaged. I can do whatever I want—including her.”

Isaac looked annoyed. I had seen that look on his face before usually before he threw a punch.

I stared at him. “You want her?”

“Damn it, Dylan.”

I couldn’t believe this shit. “You want Vanessa McCade. You have a little crush don’t you?”

“Shut the fuck up.”

I laughed. It was hard to get under his skin. He was like an iceberg, until now.

“Say it and I’ll shut up.”

He glared at me. “Hell yes I do. Why do you think I kept bidding?”

It wasn’t funny anymore. “Fuck. I thought you were just trying to piss off Rocks.” I ran my hand over the back of my neck. “We’ve never fought over a woman before. We don’t do that shit.”

Isaac shook his head. “No we haven’t. And I don’t want to start now. Not with the season so close. And not with a woman we both only met this morning.”

I sat in the chair, feeling the weight of my shoulders slide down my back. “I didn't realize she could cause us a problem. I thought it was fine. And I wasn’t about to let Rocks win.”

Isaac sat next to me. “We couldn’t let Rocks have her. That wasn't going to happen.”

“What do we do? I’m out seventy-five grand.”

Isaac looked at the ceiling. There was chipped paint and in the corners part of the sheetrock had crumbled. “There's nothing to do. You won. She’s yours. Congratulations on your engagement.” He slapped me on the back.

I looked at my best friend. It was hard not to laugh at how fucked up this entire situation was. I didn’t want to be engaged. I wanted to fuck her. And this was my best chance. Isaac obviously felt the same way.

“Want to grab a beer?” Isaac asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded, standing. “We need a few after this hell of a night.”

“But there’s one thing.” He stopped me.

“What’s that?”

He paused. “You have to tell me what an amazing fuck she is. I want every dirty detail. Everything.”

For a second I felt guilty. Guilty that I may have taken away his chance for an incredible fuck. I nodded. “Every fucking detail, man. I swear.”

Isaac grinned. “And maybe I can propose when you break it off,” he joked.

“Don’t feel bad. Candy would be happy to keep you company this season.” I waggled my eyebrows.

He groaned. “No thanks. She’s more your type than mine.”