Page 13 of Double Score

I leaned forward on the conference table. The bastard had my curiosity at an all-time high.

“It’s already unlike the others,” I snarled.

Take it easy, Isaac. I have spoken to Ms. McCade today. I’m aware a lot of you had meetings with her too.”

I felt a strange jolt of jealousy from out of nowhere. I didn’t like the idea of all these guys being alone with her in her office.

“We have agreed to launch a media public relations campaign that will help us sell tickets. The more tickets we sell the better our TV ratings will be. And the better game times and networks we will get. That means better advertising spots. All of this comes down to money, gentlemen. This is about money. Your money. Plain and simple.” He pressed his palms onto the table, rocking his small body toward us.

“Get to it, we’re aging here,” Dylan joked. He let the front of his chair legs push off the floor. I knew he took his position on the team seriously, but he didn’t put up with bullshit meetings like this. He was too stir crazy to sit through corporate talk.

But what Steve said next grabbed everyone’s attention.

“I need one of you to be, Vanessa McCade’s fiancé for this Warriors’ football season.”

“What!” I was the first to speak up.

Dylan slammed his fist on the table. “What are you talking about, man? Don’t say shit like that. We’re listening. You have our attention without making up shit. What’s this really about?”

Steve didn't let up. “She’s available. She needs a fiancé for the season. I should say, the Warriors need her to have a fiancé for this season, and that fiancé is going to be one of you. Now you all can decide in this room who that man will be, or I will choose one of you.”

I didn't know how many of the men had met Vanessa today, or if they’d even seen a picture of her. Hell, most of these guys were friends. We were a brotherhood. None of the ones among us were married or in serious relationships, and there was a reason for that. We liked to fuck. When and where we wanted. Life was easier with no strings attached. No one wanted to be a fucking fiancé.

I heard the guys around me groaning and growling. They weren’t interested. But then Rocks Salzman raised his hand. “I’ll do it. She's damn hot. It does mean I get to fuck her, right?”

Steve laughed. “That's up to you two. It’s not a requirement. But thanks for stepping up, Rocks.”

“Wait,” I growled. “That’s not happening.”

“Yeah, it’s not," Dylan agreed. “Sorry, Rocks. You’re out.”

I looked at my best friend, and realized he was being just as protective of Vanessa as I was. I didn’t know where it was coming from, other than Dylan was highly competitive. He didn’t like to lose at anything.

Rocks snarled, “I volunteered first guys. She’s as good as mine. You’re looking at the new fiancé of the Warriors’ owner.” he laughed. I was tempted to throw myself across the table and punch him to the ground. I didn’t like how they talked about her.

She wasn’t here to defend herself. How did we know any of this was legit?

“I don't think that’s how it works. Steve said we had to decide together. And I'm not letting you walk out of here as her fiancé,” I taunted.

Dylan leaned forward. “Neither am I. Rocks. It’s not happening.”

He glared at both of us. “Are you two going to share her? Because I don't think you can split a woman down the middle. She needs one fiancé, not two.”

“You’re a dick,” Dylan spat.

I bared my teeth at him. “You’re not getting her.”

“Why? Because you’re suddenly so interested in warming up to someone? You’re a cold-ass washed-up Seal.”

I jumped from my chair, clambering to get my hands around his neck.

“Shit, Isaac.” Dylan yanked on my bicep, holding me back.

Steve laughed. “Wow. I wasn't expecting this. What if we settle this like gentlemen? Why don’t you take a seat, Isaac?”

I tried to settle my pulse, and sat in the seat again.

Rocks took his eyes off me for a second. “What's your idea Steve?”