Page 123 of Double Score

r /> I hadn’t moved yet. I held the spatula in my hand.

“But I think I would feel better if I heard you say it yourself.”

The pan sizzled behind me with a pop from the butter splatter. Fuck. Her blue eyes held me. I didn’t like tests. Being tested—being slammed into the middle of a moral crossroads. I was in too deep to turn around from this place. But here I was. In this place where I had to decide what I should do about lying to this pretty girl.




This morning

Linc honked like he always did when he dropped by to pick me up. I locked the mudroom entry behind me and pressed the code for the alarm. I had a stupid grin on my face I needed to erase. Alexa was all I could think about.

“Damn it, Luke. Dress up for fuck’s sake.”

He eyed my jeans and T-shirt with annoyance when I emerged from the shadows of the garage.

It was early. I didn’t like mornings. I’d already worn a monkey suit in the past twenty-four hours. What did he expect?

“Shut up. It’s a PR guy, not the president.” I pulled open the truck door, slid into the seat, and fastened the seatbelt over my chest.

As usual my manager wore a dark suit. His hair was styled and I noticed a leather tote in the seat behind him on the floorboard. Linc was willing to suck up to people when I wasn’t. Our jobs were well-suited for each of us.

He put the truck in drive and we drove off the ranch toward Austin.

“What do you know about this Charlie fucker?” he asked.

“Not a damn thing.” The longhorns stood sleepily grazing grass in the fields.

“Helpful.” He smirked. “I don’t know what we’re walking into with this meeting.”

I tried to stretch my legs forward.

“I know what it is. Bullshit.” I pulled a pair of sunglasses over my eyes. I’d gotten minimal sleep and if anyone looked directly at me they’d be able to tell. Management forced me to go to that auction. My bloodshot eyes were on them.

“How was the charity deal? You never called me back.”

“Oh, that? Went well.”

Linc switched the station. “Seems like the children have a new benefactor. Read the press release the hospital sent out.”

“They mentioned my donations?” I scratched the back of my head. I wondered exactly how detailed the information had been. I hadn’t thought about it since Alexa showed up at my door. One taste of her and everything before was a distant memory.

“Hell, they said the Warriors’ quarterback was the night’s most generous donor. Didn’t know you had it in you.” He looked at me sideways, keeping one eye on the road.

“Coach wanted me to throw some money out there. So I did. That motherfucker is probably smiling over his cup of coffee this morning reading about it.”

“Uh-huh.” Linc’s lips twitched. “And I saw the Lexi Wilde pictures. How was the concert?”

I nodded. “Pretty good.”

“She’s hot as shit. Did you meet her? Did you get her number for me?”

I gave my brother a sharp cutting glare. “Since when do you like chick music?”

“Since the chick looks like that. What did you talk to her or something?”