Page 100 of Resist

He crossed the room. He looked at me quizzically. “You thought I was gone?”

I nodded.

“Ell, my pants are right there.” He pointed to the pile of clothes we had assembled last night.

“Right.” I tried to look relaxed. He had been missing for only a fraction of a second and I had already gone to the darkest of places.

He sat in front of me. “I think it’s time to have that conversation we didn’t have last night.”

I stared at his long lashes. They undid all my good intentions. I got lost in his eyes. In his voice.

I nodded. “I think so.” I couldn’t pretend he wasn’t a fugitive. I couldn’t act as if everything were normal. There was no normal in our relationship.

“Ask me anything you want. Ask it now. Everything.” He pressed my fingers to his lips, sucking and kissing the tips. “And even if I have to break my non-disclosure clause, I will tell you. We won’t leave this bed with secrets.”

“Did Greer come home last night?” I looked over his shoulder.


“Because I want coffee. And I’m hiding a fugitive in my bedroom.” Putting those two things together was absurd. “I don’t want to be interrupted. These are the most important questions of my life.”

He climbed from the bed. “I think you better check.”

He moved the chair from under the door handle. I pulled a robe over my shoulders and tip-toed into the living room. The door was locked. The lights were off. Her bedroom door was open. It didn’t look as if she had slept here.

I walked back to Vaughn. “No sign of her. I better send her a text to check.”

“I don’t want to drag her into this. You know that?”

I nodded, clutching my phone. “Let’s just see how much time we have.”

Last night time didn’t matter. I was willing to steal whatever remnants I could pluck together. This morning, that felt reckless and irresponsible. Safety mattered now. Thinking through everything was an instant priority. I had abandoned all rationality once his lips touched mine. What if Agent Kenneth called or stopped by before my trip to New Bern? What if he thought there was some kind of break in the case? What if somehow he knew Vaughn was here?

“You ok?” he looked at me.

“Yes.” I nodde

d. I had to settle one issue at a time. I pulled out my phone to text Greer.

Good date?

I sent the message. She would kill me if she knew I had reunited with my ex in the same way she and Preston must have last night.

The best.

“What did she say?” Vaughn tried to look at the screen.

“She stayed at Preston’s last night.”

Are you coming home soon?

Are you ok? I can if you need me.

I chewed on my lip. She had no idea how much I needed her to stay away.

No. I’m working on exams. Tell Pres I said hi.

See you maybe tomorrow.