Page 74 of Resist

“What’s the last thing you heard from the police?” I asked. “What are they doing to help us?”

He turned down the classic rock station. “They aren’t doing a damn thing. They checked the local holding cells. That’s about it. He’s an adult. He lives on his own. He’s not a threat to anyone. That’s what they told me.”

Silver Alert requirements were different in every state. North Carolina had its own set of qualifications and Garrett didn’t meet the criteria to pose a threat to himself or anyone else. We were the only ones who saw the peril he was in.

“Have you called the hospitals?” I pushed.

“I did. But not past Carteret County.”

That was something I could start working on while we drove. I pulled up a list of medical centers in the surrounding counties.

“What about his bank account? His credit cards?”

My father shook his head. “I don’t have access to that stuff. I don’t know where he banks.”

If Garrett had used his cards it would certainly give us a location. If he had left Atlantic Beach, it might make it harder to find him, but it would be something. Right now, we needed a starting point.

“Did you call Kelly?”

“No. Why? Why would I call her?”

“Dad, she’s his kryptonite. You didn’t try her?”

“What the hell does that even mean? Kryptonite.” He slowed as we approached a red light.

I sighed. “They had the most toxic relationship. If she came back to town, or reached out to him it would explain why he ran off suddenly.”

“What was so toxic about it?” He pushed on the gas as the light turned to green.

I stared at him in disbelief. “Have you actually blocked out the past five years of our lives?”

“What are you trying to say?”

“It means if you had paid any attention, you would know that Garrett dated Kelly off and on for years. That she’s the one who introduced him to coping with his problems with alcohol and drugs. She’s the one who convinced him he didn’t need therapy. She’s the one who thought they should get married and move to California.” I was so angry I could almost crumple the coffee cup in my fist. “She took his money, Dad. She cheated on him. She ruined him. Where were you for that? Where in the hell have you been?”

“I’ve been trying to put my life back together,” he yelled.

I stiffened in my seat. My shoulders seized. My breath stuck in my lungs.

He exhaled, gripping the steering wheel. “It hasn’t been easy for anyone, Elliot.”

“I didn’t say it was,” I seethed. “But you should know this stuff. You should have done more.” I flinched as soon as I said it. It was wrong. It wasn’t fair. I wasn’t the only one in the car who was scared. What I said was insensitive.

Instead of retaliating he reached forward and tapped the computer screen, filling the car with an electric guitar solo. It was too loud to make my calls to the medical centers or to Kelly. We didn’t speak another word until we arrived at the auto shop.

Chapter Twenty-One

The guys my brother had gone into business with weren’t much help. Other than a spare key to his apartment they couldn’t give us any leads.

We left the auto garage and my father drove us to the one-bedroom place Garrett rented on the sound-side of the island. He had a parking lot view. We climbed the steps to the second floor.

“Garrett?” I knocked on the door before trying the key. “Garrett, it’s Elliot.” I stepped inside, Dad right behind me.

I walked over a drawing and then another. I looked down. The floor was covered in art work.

“What the hell is this?” There was anger in his voice.

My father bent to pick up one of the sketches. He held it forward.