I heard the helicopter buzzing overhead. I held Claire behind the warehouse as the wind kicked up. We waited for the propellers to slow. I led Claire to the chopper as the door opened.

“You should know this about me by now. Everything I do is for her,” I growled.

I handed her over to my agents with a set of instructions. I wanted her chipped immediately before any other protocol was followed.

“Wait,” I called before they shut the door. “What about Rick?” I asked.

“Who?” She shook her head.

“The driver with the needle in his neck. What did you do to him?”

She rolled her eyes. “He’ll be awake in a few hours. It’s just a sleeping serum. A little something to knock him out while I drove.”

“At least he’s not dead,” I mumbled. “Take her up,” I ordered.

“That’s it?” she squealed. “You’re not going with me?”

“No.” I watched as they secured her into the seat with more than one strap. She had proven more than once that she was sneaky and not to be trusted.

Claire glared at me from the window, surrounded by my best agents. I didn’t know how to react to seeing her fly higher and higher. She was gone, and Journey was safe. But I had committed to hiding her for the rest of her life. I would be tethered to her forever.

When the helicopter was safely in the sky, I strolled to the car, tapped on the door, and opened the limo.

Journey leapt into my arms. Her tears smeared my cheeks as she sought my lips.

“You’re ok. You’re ok.”

I nodded, kissing her. “I’m fine. Not a scratch.”

“And Claire? Where is she?” She searched the ground around the car. “We heard a helicopter.”

“She’s not coming back,” I promised. “You’re never going to see her again.”

Journey’s eyes darted. “Did you? Is she d—”

I held her hand. Dante had ducked his head out of the limo. “I didn’t kill her, but I offered her a deal. I don’t think you’re going to like it. I’ll explain in the car. Come on. We have to get you to that dinner.”

She rubbed at her eyes. “You’re going to let me go to the dinner?”

I tucked a flyaway strand of hair behind her ear. “Only if you want to go.” I smiled. “It’s up to you.”

She sniffed. “My mascara is ruined. And the side of my dress is torn. I can’t go like this. I never should hav

e tried so hard in the first place. I almost got you killed. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“This wasn’t your fault. You were trying to face the fear. You were trying to send her a message that she didn’t control your life. I know that. What you did took a lot of courage. But no one would blame you if you didn’t want to go to the dinner. I’m sure Dante can come up with a perfectly legitimate excuse for you.”

Dante held up his phone. “I’ve got this. Emergency crew is on the way, babe. They’ll meet us outside the hotel in five for hair, makeup, and a new dress.”

I studied Journey’s expression. If she wanted to hide out from the world for a while, I’d be next to her while she did it.

She smiled. “You’re a lifesaver, Dante.” Her eyes landed on me.

“You’re going to go through with this?” I asked.

She nodded. “Absolutely. So, what is this deal I’m not going to like?”

I wrapped my arms around her and drew her to me. “Just remember when I tell you we’re all alive, and I did it for a lot of reasons that maybe aren’t obvious.”