Page 178 of Sweet Satisfaction


M y hands shook. My stomach flipped and tossed with nerves. I didn’t know how I was going to get through this. The doorbell rang and I jumped from the couch .

I rushed through the hallway, almost skating on the hardwoods to open the front door .

“Hey, girl.” Helena wrapped me in a hug. “Cute hair .”

“Thanks.” It was up in my standard ponytail .

I closed the door and set the alarm behind her. “Thank you for coming over. I didn’t think I could do this alone .”

“Sure thing. You know I’m a huge fan. It’s going to be fun .”

She followed me into my den. Her eyes widened when she saw the spread I had made .

“We’re going to eat all of this ?”

“Ok, so I don’t know what people eat when they watch football. Did I overdo it ?”

She plopped down on the couch. “Slightly overboard, but I don’t care. It looks amazing.” She scooped up some cheese dip on the end of a piece of toasted pita .

I sat next to her. My nerves were completely shot. “I don’t know if I can even watch .”

Helena picked up the remote and turned up the volume. “He’s going to be fine. He’s a big strong guy. Stop worrying. He does this all the time .”

I looked at the screen. Luke was throwing the ball on the sideline. My insides began to melt. He looked irresistible. I felt a sudden heaviness. I missed him terribly. More than I should .

“All I know is that guys play football and get concussions and have career-ending injuries. What if that happens to him? What if they have to haul him off on a stretcher ?”

Helena rolled her eyes. “That’s not going to happen. Have you seen the guys paid to surround him? The Warriors’ offensive line is intense .”

I picked at the veggie tray. I was craving cucumbers. “I’m glad you came over. I promised him I’d watch, but I didn’t realize it was going to freak me out. And you know so much more about football than I do .”

She giggled. “The advantage of having three brothers I guess. Besides, I think this whole thing with Luke is cute, and I love being in on the secret love affair,” she teased .

“That makes it sound so sordid .”

“Well is it?” She curled her knees under her and leaned into the oversized cushions. I’d had this room decorated a year ago and I was already thinking of how I could redo it. It was one of twenty in the house .

I turned an instant red color. I probably matched the peppers I had sliced .

“Maybe a little .”

She sighed. “I knew it. He’s way too hot not to be amazing in bed .”

“Ok, I’m really not going into thos

e details .”

But God did I want to. I wanted to tell someone how incredible Luke was. How he made me feel things I didn’t know were possible. How my body moved a certain way for him. That I’d experienced eroticism that was addictive and potent. That if I didn’t see him soon my body was going to erupt in an explosive fire that he had started. It had been burning for him ever since our last kiss .

I pulled a pillow to my chest. “I don’t think I can watch .”

“The Warriors are the favorites to win. Stop worrying. He is going to kick ass today .”

I somehow managed to let the pillow drop low enough so I could see over the edge. Luke was on the field. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He looked powerful. In command. Strong and confident. I held my breath until he took the snap .

And then it was as if all my worries faded as I let the air from my lungs. He was faster than the defense. He was smarter than the other team. He knew how to outstep them. In a split second the ball was out of his hands and soaring down field. It landed in the arms of one of the Warrior receivers .