Page 154 of Sweet Satisfaction

I didn’t know shit about being a friend, but I was everyone’s drinking buddy. Getting drunk I could do. I tossed mine back and felt the welcome burn coat the inside of my throat .

Lexi sipped it while grimacing. She leaned forward to deposit the glass on the coffee table. There was still a shot’s worth she left behind .

“You need to finish that.” I nodded at her. “Go on .”

She took a solid breath and chugged. Her eyes fixated on the bottom o

f the tumbler .

“Good girl.” I took the empty glass from her. “How do you feel now ?”

“Like I should have had some lunch first .”

Shit. I did everything backward .

“I’ve got food.” I shuffled to the kitchen to find something to feed her .

I scoured the pantry. I had chips, salsa, and more protein mix powder than could fill a vitamin store. Damn it. There were eggs in the fridge and a couple of steaks .

“How does an omelet sound?” I called from the kitchen .

Alexa appeared in the doorway. “It’s ok. You don’t have to go through so much trouble because of me .”

“Scrambled better ?”

I ignored her. She needed to eat something. I’d light up the grill and toss the steaks on if that was the only way to get her to eat .

“Really, Luke. I’m fine. I-I—” She reached for the countertop as her boot slipped on the hardwood floor .

I reached over just in time to hook my hand around her waist before she tumbled to her ass. Fuck. She was more shaken than I realized .


I couldn’t help the sudden instinct that kicked in. The one that said I needed to protect her. I’d catch her if she fell. I’d hold her until she was back on her feet .

Her palms flattened into my chest. The only thing keeping her from wiping out was my arm. It was like one of those damn trust exercises we did in camp sometimes. And right now Alexa was telling me I had her trust. I was a place she could fall .

I snaked another arm around her and saw her eyes light with expectation .

“You keep rescuing me today .”

No one had mistaken me for a white knight. “You were going to bust your ass,” I reminded her .

She shook her head. “Not just that .”

By now I probably should have stood her upright, but I held her firm and close to my body. My cock twitched. Everything was fucked up, but I couldn’t control how my body wanted her .

We both remained motionless when her phone started to ring. It was in her back pocket .

“Do you want to get that?” I asked. It hadn’t stopped since we left the hospital .

“I don’t think so. I know it’s Jake .”

“Hmm.” I looked into her eyes. Truth was I didn’t want her to pick up the phone either .

I didn’t want someone else in the middle of this. Whatever in the hell this was. And Jake. Well, he was a dick .

The phone rang again .