Page 332 of Sweet Satisfaction

I thought I saw sadness or maybe it was just realization that reality was headed our way. Fall meant football .

I followed Blake around the side yard to where I could get a glimpse of the party under way on the lawn facing the sound. The event seemed to stretch across three adjacent yards with a white tent at the center as well as a steam pit to the left and a series of round tables to the right. Lanterns were strung from the gnarled island oaks and along three piers that jutted from the three houses .

“This is beautiful.” I stood in amazement. I couldn’t remember the island ever looking so magical before .

“Let’s get some drinks.” He pointed to the bar .

Apparently, things had really changed on the island. There was a full cocktail hour before the ceremony even began .

“Champagne?” he offered .

“One glass should be ok, right?” I took the glass from his strong hands .

“I’ll make sure you get in the right bed tonight, darlin’.” And there it was again. The tingle. The sensation that only Blake could give me. I had it so bad .

We carried our glasses and I followed Blake toward the pier. There was a group of men gathered, smoking cigars. I was skeptical whether I should tag along. I stopped short of the first step on the boardwalk .

“Maybe I should just get our seats,” I suggested .

“Come on. I want to show you off in that dress.” He waggled his eyebrows .

“It’s just.” I felt self-conscious about the whole thing. What were they going to think seeing us together again ?

“What is it?” His eyes were dark and smoldering. Holy hell. I’d follow this man off the pier if he asked me to .

I shook my head. “I’m fine. Let’s go say hello .”

I pulled my shoulders backed and inhaled the salty air. My heels clicked against the wood surface and the men stopped talking to look at us as we approached .

“If it isn’t the island quarterback .”

“Hell, it’s the off season.” Blake slapped an older man on the back. I froze. I recognized him. It was his uncle, Roger’s brother. Shit .

The two men had looked a lot alike. Blake was more handsome than his father, but there was a definite good-looking gene in the Wyatt pool .

“Uncle Billy, you remember Sierra Emory from high school don’t you ?”

The pit of fear dropped into the center of my stomach. He reminded me so much of Roger. The gray over his ears was more white. And he had more wrinkles around his eyes, but the similarities were eerie .

My hand trembled as I extended it forward. My teeth rattled as I tried to spit out my hello .

“Nice to see you again .”

He took my hand between his calloused palms. “So good to see you, dear.” His smile was warm and generous .

Cole popped up behind us. “Dad, you’re supposed to be seating guests .”

“Oh, am I ?”

“Yeah, come on .”

He looked at me then Blake. “Maybe we can catch up after the ceremony.” He squeezed my fingers lightly and walked off the pier .

“Gotta go,” Cole announced. “People around here act like they’ve never been to a wedding before .”

As soon as they were out of sight, I reached for the railing. I took a big breath .

“What the hell is wrong?” Blake asked. “You ok ?”