I took off my panties, put them in my drawer, and went to the conference room for a team meeting.

I was so anxious when I entered the room. This was a bold move, and I felt unusually powerful. I couldn’t wait to see Charles’s reaction and my pussy tingled in anticipation. He was already there with other team members, and my heart jumped when my eyes m

et his.

For a moment, I felt like a lovesick teenager. He was the only one I was aware of in the room, and the memories of this morning in his place rushed back to me at once. The way he put that whip cream on me and licked it off... The way he pleasured me with his mouth... His hands on me...

Oh no. I couldn’t be thinking about this now. I had to pay attention to this meeting. It was extremely important and it would help us decide our next moves, but here I was—unable to think about anything but sex with Charles!

I shook my head, wondering how things got this way. I—who was always the serious one and had a hard time relaxing and letting go of stress—felt completely daring, and at the moment the consequences didn’t matter.

There was an empty seat beside him, and I sat down next to him. I inhaled his scent greedily, observing him discreetly. He was wearing a dark gray suit today, and his serious face made everything stir in me. He was broody, but I liked him more because of that. It was his distinctive feature, and I loved whenever I was able to make that face twist into a smile.

“I’m sorry if you were waiting for me,” I apologized to him and others.

“That’s no problem. I’ve just arrived myself,” he said smoothly. Oh, I also loved his voice, especially when he gave me his commands.

His eyes were heated, following my every movement, and I had to give my best not to writhe on the chair. My whole skin buzzed, and I wanted to jump on him and impale myself on his long dick so badly, but I had to control my urges.

He leaned toward me and whispered into my ear, “You look so damn sexy, Rebecca. My cock is so hard for you right now.”

I shivered, looking at others quickly to see if they were aware of what was going on, but each one of them looked at the documents in front of them.

“I think it will become even harder right now,” I whispered back at him, deciding to play that game with him.

I was so glad that the conference table was wooden, so no one could see what I was going to do under it now.

I took his hand, put it on my thigh, and led it up my skirt to my naked pussy, so he would know I wasn’t wearing any underwear. I felt him tense immediately, and I had to look at him to see his reaction. He was staring at me with surprise and lust, and by the way he clenched his jaw together, I knew it drove him crazy. He licked his lips, his hand squeezing my upper thigh in response.

“You did this to torture me, you little vixen,” he hissed into my ear and my whole body shuddered. “For this, you are going to be punished.”

I was a second away from moaning hard, and I had to clench my hands to prevent myself from doing so. He removed his hand, and I could feel his desire radiating in waves from him. His words made my pussy throb, and I couldn’t wait to see what my punishment was going to be.

“Alright everyone. Let’s start this meeting.” He gathered the papers in front of him and made an introduction.

I was pleasantly surprised when I realized he was so excited about this project. He’d mentioned once that he found something beautiful in transforming old into new, and I admired him for that. It was something I could relate to, because that was my job and my biggest passion. There was definitely nothing better than fixing something that was seemingly impossible to repair, making it even better than it ever was.

Charles was strict about the deadlines and our commitment to the work, and I was glad when he confirmed to me he would do his best to provide me with the money I needed to redecorate that place.

As other members of the team talked, he used the opportunity to bring his hand back under my skirt, and it made me hotter than ever. He was teasing me now on purpose, each time inching nearer to my warm core, and every time I expected his touch on my extremely sensitive flesh, he would withdraw his hand.

It made me distracted, unable to focus on the meeting’s contents, but I wasn’t the only one who was distracted.

I watched him in pleasure squirm on his chair. I could even catch a glimpse of his long erection in his pants, and it made my mouth dry and my mind go wild. I imagined him ripping off my clothes and fucking me against this table. It made me so wet, and the next time he brought his hand to my pussy, he finally touched it and gasped when he soaked his fingers.

“Shit,” he growled, growing tenser than ever. It was clear to me he didn’t pay attention to the meeting at all anymore, glancing sideways at me as he fought against his own urges.

“Mr. Talon? Is everything alright?” one of the team members asked him, noticing his unusually rigid posture. He immediately slid his hand out of my skirt.

I bit my lip, feeling more than satisfied for driving him crazy like this.

“Yes,” he hissed, and then as if he realized how he sounded, he cleared his throat and fixed his tie. “I’m just a little anxious about the project, but that’s nothing unusual. I really want this to work.”

“Don’t worry, sir,” he answered. “We will work everything out for sure.”

Charles brought his hand onto my thigh several more times during the rest of the meeting, but he didn’t come near my pussy anymore. I wanted to laugh, because I knew why he didn’t dare doing that. If he did, I was sure he would forget about the rest of the people in the room and do something really impropriate to me in front of them.

For some reason, that really turned me on.