“They are both doing very well.” Her curls bobbed when she spoke. She stuck a pencil behind her ear. “Make sure to schedule your next appointment on your way out. I’ll see you back here for the gender reveal, unless you’ve decided you want it to be a surprise.”

“I don’t think we’ve decided yet,” I answered.

“We’ll take a look at everything during that appointment. You don’t have to know the sex if you don’t want to, but as long as the baby cooperates, we should be able to give you an answer. Something to think about.”

She handed me a towel to wipe the gel from my stomach.

“Thank you, Dr. Simons. We’ll talk about it.”

“It was good to see you again. I’ll see you back in four weeks. Keep drinking plenty of water, take lots of naps and walks.”

“I will.”

She closed the door and I started to get dressed.

Jeremy paced behind me. “You want to know, don’t you? We want to know.”

I shrugged. “The baby is healthy. That’s all that matters to me, Jer.”

I had hit a significant milestone. I was officially headed into my second trimester. I had promised Jeremy if I made it this far we could tell people, starting with my family.

“We should order lunch,” he shoved his phone in his pocket.

“Don’t you have to get back to work?” I couldn’t remember the last time we had lunch together during the week. For two months Jeremy had spent so much time at the office, I had to take him dinner every once in a while or I’d never see him.

“No. This was important. We saw our baby today. I want to spend time with you.”

“For how long? An hour?”

He held the door for me. “I deserve that, but you know how hard I’ve had to work to hold on to the last investors. I’ve kept it together so far.”

We walked through the halls and onto the elevator.

“I know. I wish you didn’t have to work so much. I miss you.”

“It’s temporary. A few more weeks like this and then I can cut back the office hours. I’ll work from home more.”

I smiled. He kissed me in the elevator. “You know what I really miss?”

“What’s that?” He tilted my chin toward him.

“Sex,” I groaned. “I miss how you used to fuck me.”

His eyes opened. “You’ve been sick.”

I shook my head. “I’m not sick anymore. All the morning sickness is gone.” I was horny as hell. This pregnancy had driven me into sexual overdrive. My husband hadn’t been around long enough to notice.

He grinned. His mouth landed on mine. Our tongues twined and I wrapped my hands around his neck. If he’d take me in the elevator now, I’d let him. I wanted his cock inside me. I wanted to feel him. I wanted to come until my limbs were useless.

The elevator dinged as we arrived softly on the first floor.

“I think we’re supposed to walk out,” I explained.

“Fuck. You think I can walk right now?”

I laughed. “Then take me home.”

There was something unreal about New York in the spring. It was even more unreal as Jeremy walked with me the few blocks to the apartment. We stopped every few steps to kiss. The kind where he pushed me against the wall. The kind where we could have torn each other’s clothes off on the sidewalk.