
I walked into Cipriani ready to explain to Victor Kravitz exactly why he needed to stick with me. He couldn’t pull his investment from Scout like he was a kid picking up a ball and stomping home. Our contract was binding. I had to convince him that even if Johnny Stepp was willing to pay the steep penalty, there wasn’t a price tag that could cover the cost of his reputation. Stepp would ruin him in this deal. His money would be worthless in the sports world if no one could trust him.

Sasha waited for me in the lobby. Her long white coat brushed the tops of her thin ankles.

“He’s already here,” she reported. “You know he’s never late. I didn’t know you would be.”

“Traffic from the airport didn’t help. I got here as fast as I could.”

Sasha’s heels hit the marble in long click-clack strokes as we approached Victor.

“Mr. Kravitz.” I shook his hand when he stood.

“You caught me before my plane to Dallas.” The silver-haired man had a firm shake. Victor was much younger than he looked. He was forty-five and loaded. “I ran into your associate at the ball last night. Good to see you again,” he nodded at Sasha.

“My business partner,” I corrected.

We sat around the table and ordered brandy. I remembered his favorite label.

“All right, Victor, let’s not ignore the elephant in the room. I know Stepp has made a move.”

He held the snifter in his hands. His class ring was monstrous on his knuckle. I wondered if Stepp had promised him a championship ring to add beside it.

“We were just talking. You know how conversations start at the ball. I was a little surprised you weren’t there.” I could feel Sasha’s disapproving look from across the table.

“I had family business,” I explained.

“Oh, that’s right. I heard you got married. Congratulations.” He took a sip. “Can’t say marriage is something I’ve ever had the stomach for, but good for you.”

“Thanks.” I didn’t want Evie to be the focal point of the conversation. I needed to steer him back. “Look, you’ve been interested in Scout for six months. We’ve had a good partnership. Stepp is only going to make promises he can’t keep. I’ve known him a long time.”

Victor laughed. “He said the same thing about you.”

“One of us is telling the truth.” I grinned, raising my glass in the air.

“I like you. I like your business model. I like your business assoc—err, partner.” He glanced at Sasha. “He has a bigger portfolio lined up. He’s more aggressive.”

“More aggression also means more risk. You’ve seen my numbers. You know what this could do for you. I am a safe bet. I will deliver exactly what I promised. You have my word.”

I lifted the heavy glass bottle and poured a second drink for him.

I could tell whatever Stepp said had influenced him. It was enough to make him question our contract. Enough to put doubts in his head about the investment.

He leaned in his chair. “All right. I’m going to stick with you, for now.”

I didn’t let my expression change. “You’re making the right decision.”

Sasha smiled politely. I wondered why she hadn’t said anything.

Victor looked at his oversized watch. “I better head out. My car is waiting to take me to the airport.”

I rose as he stood. “I’m glad we could fit this in before your flight.”

We shook hands, and Victor Kravitz winked at our waitress on his way out.

I sighed and let my head roll back on my shoulders. “That could have been a disaster.” I sank into the leather seat.