I carefully slid my cock from her and tucked her body next to me as I took the open pillow. My hands instinctively covered her belly.

I kissed her neck. “Are you ok? Was that too much? It got rougher than I intended.”

“I’m fine. You know our baby is about as big as a grain of sand. Sex isn’t going to hurt it.”

“Grain of sand, huh?”

She nodded, twisting to face me. I could see the joy on her face.

“I don’t think I want to go to sleep,” she admitted.

“We don’t have to.”

“What if we wake up and the tests go blank? What if it’s the opposite of the first one?”

I ran a finger over her nipple. It hardened against my fingertip. “You are pregnant, Evie. I’ll keep saying it. I’ll say it all night.”

She giggled. “Keep saying it.”

“You are pregnant. You’re having my baby.”

Fuck. I was getting hard again thinking about it. It was unbelievable how primitive my instincts were. There was nothing evolved about my thinking when I pictured Evie’s belly growing with my baby. It was such a fucking turn on.

I was proud. I was protective.

She nuzzled against my chest. Her breath was soft and warm on my skin. “I want to keep this between us for a little while. Is that ok?” she asked.

“I think that’s a good idea.” My hand rested on her hip.

“I want it to be our secret for as long as it can. Our little family.”

The words were enough to make me stop breathing. We were a family now. Tied together for the rest of our lives. There was going to be a baby that was half Evie. Half me.

“I think I know when it happened,” she whispered.

I laughed. “You do?”

“I’ve read on so many blogs that women said they knew looking back exactly when they conceived. Like the stars aligned or something. A mother’s intuition kind of thing.”

“And you know when those stars aligned?”

She nodded. Her fingers walked across my chest. “Mmmhmm. I’ll narrow it down for you. It was in Tahiti.”

“Now I have to guess? I don’t have a sixth sense like that. Just tell me.”

“Think about it,” she urged. “When do you think it was?”

“How many guesses do I get? Because we fucked every single day, babe.”

She poked me in the ribs. “Hey. Focus.”

“Ok. Ok.” I closed my eyes. “I know what your answer is going to be.” There was one day that stood out to me. I didn’t have a clue when it came to her body and conception, but there was one day I knew Evie and I had moved to another level.

“Then say it,” she teased.

“That day in the cabana,” I answered.

She giggled. “Winner winner. That was it. I know that was it.”