“I’m going to check it,” he announced.

I clutched the wine with both hands. “Whatever. I’m going to drink this entire glass of wine and then have incredible sex with my husband.”

I pivoted in the opposite direction. I touched the glass to my lips.

“Stop, Evie. Don’t drink that.”

Jeremy’s voice made my spine tingle. The fear danced across my skin like prickly needles.

I lowered the glass.

“Jer…” I was afraid to turn around, but I did.

He held the test in the air. I couldn’t read the words on the flashing digital screen. He was too far away. I tiptoed closer. I held my breath.

“Oh my God,” I whispered.

He laughed. “See? I knew it. You are so knocked up.”



“Evie, say something.” I took the wine from her hand and replaced it with the flashing test that read pregnant. I gulped the Malbec. I needed it.

“I’m going to take another one.” She threw the test on the floor and disappeared into the bathroom with a different box.

I sat on the bed, drinking wine. If this was what she needed to do, I’d go along with it. But I knew she was going to get the same result every time. My wife was pregnant. My baby was inside her.

It probably wasn’t fair that I was the one who got to drink tonight. A glass of wine would probably help soothe her nerves, but she’d already had her last drink for the next nine months. She hadn’t even realized it. I grinned, gulping the expensive wine. I bought it this morning when she and Frannie had left for the day. I thought it would be a nice way to end the weekend after the hell we had both been through.

I had scared the shit out of her yesterday on her parents’ porch. My lungs seized when I realized how I almost fucked everything up. I exhaled, letting it sink in that I didn’t fuck it up. I didn’t because Evie brought me back from the edge of the cliff. She had enough faith in me. Enough that I believed we could work. I checked my watch. She had been in there ten minutes.

The door opened as I finished off the wine. She stepped into the room.

“So?” I cocked my head to the side.

“I took all of them.”

“Ok. All?”

She nodded. “Two per box, so that was eight total.”

I was not in the mood for math equations. I wanted her to say what I already knew. I wanted to hear those words on her lips. I wanted her to confirm that everything we had worked for was finally happening. We were going to have a baby.


“They all said the same thing. All eight tests.”

“Evie.” I stepped toward her. Her shoulders were shaking. I held them steady.

“I’m pregnant,” she whispered.

I pulled her into my arms. I could crush her with kisses. I wanted to hold her while she cried. I didn’t recognize the man I was. The man who had become a husband. The man who was going to be someone’s dad.

She gasped for air. “You were right.” She smiled.

“Don’t forget that,” I teased.