“Or we could skip that and I could take you to the basement. I know the best damn couch in this place,” he taunted. “It would be so easy to bend you over in that dress,” he growled.

My cheeks had to be a dark crimson by now. I shivered at his words.

By the time we got home last night it was after midnight. I didn’t know there was such a thing as falling asleep without having sex with Jer. The emotional roller coaster got the better of us.

Before we had morning coffee Frannie was on my doorstep, whisking me away for more girl time. I’d spent another day without my husband. I didn’t like the separation that Newton Hills caused. It was the first time I wanted to get back to New York. In New York we could be together all the time.

“I wish,” I whispered.

He threaded his fingers through mine. “Just say the word and I’ll barricade the cellar.”

I giggled. “I bet you would.” My panties were wet thinking about it. My core ached to have him inside me again.

“What’s so funny?” Frannie popped up next to us.

“Where’s Marcus?” I asked.

“He was paged. Some kid shoved a penny up his nose.”

Jeremy made a face. “They do that?”

“That’s nothing. Last week he had a call because a kid tried to put a pet goldfish in his sister’s ear and the mom was convinced she was going to have an ear infection.”

“I think I need a drink.” Jeremy pointed at me. “I’m guessing white wine with that dress.”

“Yes. Please.” I smiled, watching my sexy husband disappear to the bar.

“You shouldn’t be drinking, you know.” Frannie leaned in.

I threw her a warning glare. “Stop it. I already told you.” I didn’t want to share yesterday’s disappointment with her. With Jeremy in the picture, it changed how I looked at the process. It was our journey now. He was my partner in everything that happened.

“I know. I know. I’m only saying if you want to get pregnant, maybe cut out all the alcohol and caffeine. Start treating your body like it is pregnant.”

I stared at her. “I live for caffeine.”

“I know you do. It’s just a suggestion. I read a study in one of Marcus’s medical journals. Women who pretend they are pregnant are more likely to get pregnant.”

“Or be committed for being insane.”

“No. Just clean eating. Vitamins. Walks every day. Plenty of water. Do some yoga.”

“I’m healthy.” I defended myself.

She sighed. “You never asked me what I did for my three pregnancies. I’m telling you. I changed my lifestyle.”

Jeremy returned with a large glass of white wine. I too

k it, stared at my sister, and began to gulp.

She groaned. “Fine, don’t take my advice. But when he wants babies, don’t say I didn’t try to help.” She stormed off in her blue sparkly cocktail dress.

“What the hell was that about?” Jeremy watched Frannie.

I exhaled. “As usual my sister was trying to tell me what to do. She thinks I should give up alcohol and caffeine so I can get pregnant.”

“Really?” He sipped a glass of bourbon.

“Can you believe that? She has three kids. I know. We all know.”