He exhaled deeply as I slid my hand between the denim and his skin. “I want you. Don’t get me wrong, this is all I can think about, but I need to know you’re ok with us—with doing this.”

I shimmied out of my jeans, tossing them on the floor. “Does that answer your question? Beau, I want this too. I want to be close to you, like this.” That was kind of an understatement, but I didn’t think I could tell him all of my feelings, especially right now.

He smiled before kissing me so deeply I couldn’t remember ever being kissed before.

Taking my lead, Beau unbuckled his jeans, shoved them off his legs, and laughed when we heard them land somewhere in the dark.

Growling in my ear, he pushed my shirt farther down my arms. “Too. Many. Clothes.”

“Mmm…hmm.” I couldn’t agree with him more, reveling in how my skin felt pressed against his. He was so warm.

Nimbly, his fingers released the clasp on my bra, and he gradually tore the lacy lingerie from my breasts. As much as I wanted Beau, I loved that he wasn’t rushing me or us. He took his time exploring, touching, and driving me crazy beyond my limits.

His mischievous eyes softened as his hand slid down my hip and began peeling the lacy fabric down my legs. I bit my lower lip and nodded to him. “Yes.” I didn’t want anything else between us.

Breathless for him, I arched my back, surrendering the core of my body to the fullness of him I needed so desperately. His palms pressed into mine, taking my hands over my head. I clasped my fingers tightly around his grip. I didn’t know sex could be so sweet and hot all at the same time. I had never felt so connected to anyone in my life. Every move he made sent rushes of heat spiraling though my body. I held on tightly, aching with unyielding pleasure at each controlled rock of his hips. This was all I wanted—to be so close to him that I couldn’t feel anything but his heart beating, his breathing, and how much he wanted me.

“I guess you’re going to tell me I can’t put that on the blog this week.” Beau laughed with the sheet draped over his leg.

“Hey! Not funny.” I punched him in the side, and then launched into a full attack, nipping on his neck with my teeth until he begged me to stop. It hadn’t taken me long to find the spot that would send him over the edge.

“Ok. Ok. Unless you want me to keep you in this room all night and deprive you of all food and drink, you better stop.”

I collapsed next to him. “Now that you mention it, I am hungry.” I had no idea what time it was. The power still hadn’t returned, and neither one of us had managed to muster enough willpower to leave the bed. How many hours had we been lost in each other?

“Ok. Dinner’s coming right up. I can’t starve you on your first night of spring break.” I watched as a shadowy-figured Beau hopped off the side of the bed and searched for his haphazardly thrown pants. It was a shame he had to put those back on.

I sat up in the massive bed, feeling chilled without Beau next to me. He was a natural heater. “Do you have any flashlights or candles? I can help you with dinner.”

“Wait right here. I know where my dad’s emergency supply drawer is.”

I searched the floor for the remnants of my clothes while Beau assessed the lighting situation. How did my bra end up under the bed? I had just had sex with Beau Anderson and it was pure and utter blissful, mind-blowing sex. I squealed as I jumped into my jeans. Everything felt so perfect and so right.

A few minutes later, Beau returned with a pair of flashlights. He handed one to me. “Right this way.”

I shuffled down the hall, my hand tightly tucked in the back pocket of his jeans. The heat wasn’t working with the power outage, but Beau was walking around the house shirtless, not that I was complaining.

We emerged into the great room. There was a fire crackling in the fireplace and candles flickered on the mantle and on the kitchen countertop.

“How did you do all this?” I walked over to the fire to warm up.

“Luckily, we have a gas stove and gas fireplace, so we can still cook and you won’t freeze tonight.” He winked at me and I melted. “How does stir fry chicken sound?”

At this point, I would eat a cardboard sandwich, I was so hungry. “Perfect.” I pulled a few pillows off the couch and laid them close to the fire. “You need any help?”

Beau looked surprisingly comfortable in the kitchen. I had never asked him about his culinary skills, but most guys in college stuck to Ramon noodles, pizza, and takeout food. I smiled, liking that he kept surprising me tonight.

“No. I’ve got this under control, but you can get the drinks. There’s wine and beer in the fridge.”

I opened the door to discover five bottles of wine chilling on the shelf. I looked at him. “Expecting a real spring break party?”

His grin turned sheepish. “Wanted to make sure I had my bases covered.”

I laughed. I guess I didn’t give him much of a chance to seduce me with the usual wine and dine ritual. We had been in the house all of ten minutes before I was begging him to rip my clothes off. I poured a tall glass of wine and handed him a beer.


He took the bottle. “To spring break.”