I was exhausted to the deepest parts of my bones. My muscles were weary. I could barely keep my eyes open. But with one look Wes had awakened every nerve in my body. The hammering in my chest made my breathing quicken.

“But you have to be very quiet, Doc.” He pressed a finger to my lips.

I nodded. “I can do that.”

“Are you sure?” He smiled wickedly. “Because I don’t plan on gentle fucking.”

My knees shook, and there was a quivering in my core that was already spiraling. Yes, that’s what I needed. I needed him to take me to bed and remind me I was his. That despite the whirlwind we had been swept up in this past year, I was still his.

“God, yes,” I whispered in his ear.

He lifted me from the couch as his mouth descended on my lips. I sucked greedily, wanting him to know that I wanted everything he could give me.

He laid me on the bed, stripping my jeans over my hips. His eyes flickered with lust.

“God, you’re fucking beautiful.”

I sighed as he peeled the lacy panties off next. I quickly wiggled out of my Wranglers T-shirt.

He planted his hands on either side of me. I looked from one hand to the next. The Super Bowl ring dominated his right hand, but on the left was a simple gold band. A band I had slipped on his finger a year ago.

Everything between us had been unconventional. My patient had become my lover. My lover had become the man who helped me discover there was more to me than medicine. And then I got pregnant.

After Wes won the Super Bowl in San Diego there wasn’t hesitation. I wanted to raise our baby together as a family. When he asked me to marry him, I knew we both wanted the same things. We wanted a life together. A life we could spend balancing each other out. A life we could spend making each other happy. A life that would be filled with this kind of unquenchable passion.

I looked up at my husband. The man who had made me question everything, and yet at the same time realize that all we needed was to trust each other.

I heard his zipper and I smiled. “Say it, Doc.”

I stretched my arms overhead, feeling the desire wash over me. “Make me yours.”

“Always mine,” he growled.

I bucked off the bed as he pushed inside me. Our bodies knew what to do. We had memorized each other. But as Wes rocked into me and my orgasm peaked, I whispered all the dirty things he wanted to hear. And he fucked me the way I wanted. Like the woman he had fallen in love with.

I stepped out of the shower, the droplets sliding over my body. What I wanted to do was curl up under the covers and sleep for ten hours. But Bud and Gloria would be here any minute for the game.

I called to Wes. He was making faces at Charlotte. “Is the food out?”

“Yep.” He swished the baby back and forth.

“She’s still not a football, you know.” I giggled. I loved watching him with her. He made silly faces and sang songs. Most of them were fight songs from college, but they seemed to make her laugh.

“Doesn’t mean she can’t learn.”

While I was showering he had gotten her up from her nap and dressed her in a Wranglers onesie. I’d be lucky if he ever let her wear pink. We hadn’t started talking baby number two yet, but it was only a matter of time. If only for Charlotte’s sake, I needed to give this man a son.

“We’ll let you get dressed. I’m going to out the pre-game on.”

“All right.” I toweled off my hair.

By the time I was dressed and made it to the living room my in-laws had arrived. Gloria was holding Charlotte and Bud was making a fish face at her.

The good thing about grandparents was it freed up our hands. Wes was grumbling at the TV. They were showing last year’s Super Bowl highlights and questioning why the Wranglers hadn’t made it to defend their title.

I sat next to him on the couch and wrapped an arm around the hard muscles in his shoulders.

“Next season you’ll be there again.”